We know that feeling of searching for a place to call home, a community where you’re accepted and loved just for being you. At GOFAMINT Australia, we believe that everyone deserves to belong, and we’re here to welcome you with open arms.


Our Beginning

The Gospel Faith Mission International, the Church with the Word for the World, founded on the Solid Rock by God, through a small group of committed men and women led by the late Pastor (Dr) R. A. George at Iwaya, Yaba Lagos, has transformed into a divine legacy that has today assumed a global dimension. More...


Purpose Statement

To preach the Word of God and to bring people into membership of God’s family; to teach the Word of God to enhance freedom, promote Christian maturity and bind the people to God for service, And to live the word of God to demonstrate the new life in Christ to the world, and ensure the security of the believer...


Our History

The Gospel Faith Mission International is a church driven by purpose, founded on the Word of God, directed by the Holy Spirit, anchored by love and committed to the Great Commission. We exist to take the gospel to the nations of the world. The church started in 1956 and has since then spread to five continents of the world…


Powerfest 2024: The Kingdom in Action

Join us for Powerfest 2024, a transformative annual convention hosted by GOFAMINT Australia, held at the Liberty Hill Christian Centre, 2A Brunker Rd, in Chullora, NSW 2190. From September 26th to 29th, 2024, we gather under the theme “The Kingdom in Action,” inspired by the powerful scriptures of Matthew 6:10 and Daniel 2:44.

Matthew 6:10 calls us to seek God’s kingdom and His will on earth as it is in heaven, reminding us of our purpose and the power of divine alignment. Daniel 2:44 speaks of God’s everlasting kingdom that will stand forever, a kingdom of power, justice, and righteousness. These verses anchor our event, encouraging us to witness and experience the dynamic presence and action of God’s kingdom in our lives.

Event Highlights:
Spirit-Filled Speakers and Ministers: Be inspired by powerful messages and teachings from anointed ministers and speakers.
New and Spacious Venue: Liberty Hill Christian Centre offers a bigger and better location for our growing community.
Family-Friendly: Special programs designed for young children and teens under 19.

Interactive Sessions: Engage in morning sessions, Shiloh Hour, and evening gatherings filled with worship, teaching, and fellowship.
Online Broadcast: Some sessions will be broadcasted online, ensuring everyone can partake, though we encourage face-to-face attendance for a fuller experience.
Event Schedule:

Thursday 26th: 5:00 p.m
Friday 27th: 8:00 a.m & 5:00 p.m
Saturday 28th: 8:00 a.m, Shiloh Hour at 2:00 p.m, Evening Session at 5:00 p.m
Sunday 29th: 2:00 p.m
Come and be part of an unforgettable experience as we witness the manifestation of God’s kingdom in action. Register now and prepare for a powerful time of spiritual renewal, community, and divine encounters.

Registration link:



The Therapy Of Deliverance 1John 3:8; Mark 16:17 A therapy is a form of treatment and many people in today’s world will only know peace when they....


2 Dimensions of The Anointing Ephesians 3:20; John 7:37; Acts 1:8 There are 2 dimensions of the Anointing: - The Anointing within you - The Anointing upon you...

Need Deliverance

If you or any member of your family are in need of deliverance, we are here to help. Send an email to: gofamintaustralia@gmail.com



If you are searching for a meaning to life or desire to advance your relationship with God, there is always something to help you through this website. Our goal is to connect you with Jesus through the power of the Holy Spirit. Distance is no more a barrier as you can now get connected to us.

How To Release The Presence Of God In Your Life.

How To Release The Presence Of God In Your Life.

Scriptures: Exodus 33:14 (KJV) And he said, My presence shall go [with thee], and I will give thee rest. Exodus 33:15 (KJV) And he said unto him, If thy presence […]

God is At Work

God is At Work

Philippians 2:12-13 (KJV) Wherefore, my beloved, as ye have always obeyed, not as in my presence only, but now much more in my absence, work out your own salvation with […]

The Unshakable Kingdom

The Unshakable Kingdom

Psalm 103:19 (KJV) The LORD hath prepared his throne in the heavens; and his kingdom ruleth over all. POINT A: We are in a Kingdom. When you receive Christ as […]

Anchor 2024

The young lions lack and suffer hunger; But those who seek the Lord shall not lack any good thing.

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