#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Mon. 8/2/2016
LESSON 11 14/2/2016
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B 129, 150
Devotional Reading: Acts 22:12-22
Topic For Adults: Where There Is No Vision
Topic For Youths: Dust Up That Vision
Topic For Intermediates: Seeing Is Vision
Scripture Lesson: Acts 9:1-6, 15-16, Acts 26:16-18; Acts 22:14-21, 26:18, 21; Acts 13:46-48; 22:2-21; 26: 2-23
Memory Verse: Therefore, King Agrippa, I was not disobedient to the heavenly vision. (Acts 26:19) NKJV
Mon. 8/2/2016
Have A Vision
Prov. 29:18; Num. 14:6-9
The Bible is very clear about people, families, Churches, leaders having visions as our text states in some other versions, ‘where there is no vision, people wander aimlessly’ or ‘cast off restraint’. Having a vision is to see like Joshua and Caleb did. Having a vision is more than just looking on the bright side. It is looking on God’s side. Finding the vision God has for us takes time and prayer. If God gives you the vision you would not have chosen, you continue to bloom where you are planted. The greatest secret about vision is that it will make you into what you desire to become and achieve your set goal. Your vision makes you. It is what drives you and gives you passion. Your vision will keep you going regardless of oppositions or obstacles. You need a vision in every area of your life to succeed.
Point of Emphasis: Without vision, people wander aimlessly.
Prayer Point: Lord, let my life’s vision be clear to me.