#‎GOFAMINTDailyDevotion‬ Mon. 9/11/2015

LESSON 11         15/11/2015


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 270, 271
Devotional Reading: Num. 20:9-11
Topic For Adults: Never Remove God From The Equation
Topic For Youths: Be A Good Follower
Topic For Intermediates: Don’t Be Provoked To Sin Against God
Scripture Lesson: Num. 20: 1-13

Memory Verse:    Then Moses lifted his hand and struck the rock twice with his rod, and water came out abundantly, and the congregation and their animals drank (Num. 20:11) NKJV

Mon. 9/11/2015
Wrong Ways To Make A Request Known
Num. 20:1-5

The way we present a need to the person we know can assist will determine whether we will receive answer to our request or not. Some people are fond of frowning and using harsh language in making their needs known, some grumble or murmur, some complain without actually going straight to the point, thinking, with this attitude someone will listen to them. Instead of the Israelites to ask Moses with a concerned heart how they could get water to drink in this wilderness, they started complaining, insulting Moses and God’s decision to deliver them from Egypt. They even fought Moses. All these could not solve the problem on ground. This was a wrong way of making a need known. When met with new challenges, don’t apportion blame, face it squarely and solve it and move on with your life.

Point of Emphasis:    Stop murmuring and complaining, start reasoning and acting on your problem.
Prayer Point:        Oh God, Help me to face life’s challenges with courage and solve them.  

GOFAMINT Australia