#‎GOFAMINTDailyDevotion‬ Tue. 12/1/2016

LESSON 7                     17/1/2016


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 257, 259

Devotional Reading: Acts 9:11-16

Topic for Adults: Guide by Your Experience

Topic for Youths: Plan for Success

Topic for Intermediates: Listen to Counsel

Scripture Lesson: Acts 16:1-5; 2 Tim. 1: 11-14; Acts 13: 1-3; 16: 6-12.


Memory Verse:           Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. (1 Cor 11:1) NKJV



Tue. 12/1/2016

Choose Your Mentor(s)

Pro. 11:14

There are people that God has ordained as your destiny-helpers. They are to help you to achieve your purpose in life. Whether in ministry, marriage, career, business, studies, finances or any other sphere of human endeavour, you surely will need them. God, our loving Father has positioned some people on your way as you pass through the wilderness of life. They are your mentors. They are more experienced than you are, better equipped with resources and can, therefore, give quality, selfless advice to help you navigate the curves of life. Barnabas acted this role in the life of Paul. He introduced him to the believers in Damascus and defended his new faith. He helped to integrate him into the community of believers and eventually become his strategic partner in outreaches. You need to pray for your strategic mentors to show up, and when they do, you need to value their counsel, friendship and support.

Point of Emphasis:     You need mentors in the journey of faith and life.

Prayer Point:              God, direct those you have ordained to help me to show up.

GOFAMINT Australia


  • help me lord to obey my mentors…

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