#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 18/6/2017

 #GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 18/6/2017

18/6/2017  LESSON  3



Unit 1: Our Spiritual Condition (Lessons 1-4)


 Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 75, 259

Devotional Reading: GAL. 5:22-26

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lesson

GAL. 5:17-23; MATT. 11:28-30; 5:5; PS. 22:26; 147:6; 149:4



But the meek shall inherit the earth, And shall delight themselves in the abundance of peace. Ps. 37:11 (NKJV)


Sun. 18/6/2017

Meekness Is Precious In God’s Sight

1 Pet. 3:3-6

The average Christian likes to know what to do to please God. As important as attending church services, paying tithes and offerings, etc. without a gentle and quiet spirit, these activities are of no significance before God. But many within the church have wrong priorities – laying great emphasis on how they appear before men. Ladies pay great attention on what they wear, men concentrate on their financial prowess. Little care is given to receiving God’s approval. Meekness is one attribute that catches God’s attention and approval. God cannot stand someone who is not meek, does not walk with such a one and definitely does not work through such a one. If you desire to be a vessel of honor in His hand, you need to be clothed with a meek and gentle spirit. Set your priorities right by first becoming meek before God.

POINT OF EMPHASIS: God loves those who are clothed with a gentle and quiet spirit.

PRAYER POINT: Father, clothe me with the garment of meekness and make me a vessel of honour.


Another requirement to enjoy the abundant blessings of God is meekness which is the focus of this week’s lesson. Meekness means gentleness, restraint coupled with strength and courage to possess humble submission. The information therein is to make the kingdom people be in their proper position to relate with fellow believers and unbelievers as well.



The same word is translated as, humility or gentleness depending on which translation of the Bible one reads. This attribute is only possible for a person that is filled with the Holy Spirit as it is part of the fruit of the Spirit. A person without the Holy Spirit may pretend to be meek, but it is certain that those who are in the flesh cannot please God (Rom. 6:8). It is not natural for a person that has not accepted the lordship of Jesus Christ to conduct himself meekly. The natural man strives to please God, but the power of carnality makes the effort futile. The Holy Spirit deals with the power of carnal nature in a person who has surrendered his life to the lordship of Jesus Christ and empowers the Christian to bear the fruit of the Spirit.

Being filled with the Holy Spirit is not optional for a Christian who wants to please God; it is imperative. The fruit of the Holy Spirit, rather than the gift of the Holy Spirit, is the sure sign of being right with God. The gift of the Spirit can still manifest when a person has backslidden.


Jesus Christ assured His hearers that whatever testimony He bore about Himself is true. God the Father also testified that Jesus is His beloved Son in whom He is well pleased. So man can accept His testimony as being true and reliable. His testimony about Himself is that He is “gentle and lowly in heart”. He demonstrated His meekness throughout His incarnation: He came into the world through very humble parents; He shied away from any form of publicity throughout His ministry; He laid aside His importance as part of the God-head to serve His disciples and humankind; He surrendered His life to die for man on the cross; He did not seek revenge on those who crucified Him. His lifestyle is an example for believers to follow. We are too consumed by the sense of our importance. Many have abandoned the narrow path of meekness to follow the highway of self-glorification. Today, He still calls us to take His yoke upon us an to learn from Him, for He is gentle and lowly in heart.

PART 3: BLESSINGS IN MEEKNESS (MATT. 5:5; PS. 22:26;147:6; 149:4)

The world may despise those who are meek, but God calls them blessed. One of the blessings for the meek is “rest for your souls”. Many souls are troubled because of the strife they have been drawn into while they walk the path of self-glorification and disobedience to God’s commands. The meek have peace with God and with those around them. They may appear not to possess much on the earth, yet their heavenly Father declares that they will inherit the earth. God also blesses them with satisfaction; their hearts are full of praise to God because of the abundance He gives them. At God’s own time, He lifts up the meek and makes them to dine with the rulers of the world. God beautifies the meek with salvation – eternal salvation from the torment of hell and temporal salvation from the oppres-sion of the wicked.


The meek are scarce in the world because the society despises them. The world considers them wretched, but God declares them blessed. Better to be of a humble spirit with the lowly than to divide the spoil with proud. The meek are kind, they don’t want to hurt anyone or cause them pain. Are you truly meek? It is a quality one must have to enjoy God’s blessing and enter His God’s kingdom.


  1. How could someone become meek?
  2. Why is it difficult for a carnal man to please God?
  3. Why is being filled with the power of the Holy Spirit not optional for a Christian?
  4. How did Jesus demonstrate His meekness?
  5. The world hates those who are meek, how then are they considered to be ‘blessed’?

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