#VictoryMonth DAY 25: Thursday 26th January 2017.
DAY 25: Thursday 26th January 2017.
TextS: Isaiah 60:1-18; 2Kings 2:1-14
GOFAMINT is a God-chosen Church. Nicodemus told Jesus that there was no one who could do those things unless God was with him (John 3:2). Nobody can achieve what has been achieved by GOFAMINT by human power. The leaders may look humble and unpopular, yet the achievements speak volume and prove their callings.
GOFAMINT has not reached the maximum height. Things appear to be cooling down in the Church presently. The fire of evangelism, the love for God, fellowship, Bible reading and studying have reduced drastically. The desire for heaven and the things of the Spirit is no more like before. The spiritual hunger and thirst in the hearts of our members seem to be disappearing. Yet there are many more lands to cover and many exploits to do. God is not done with us yet anyway, His plan to use us as a Church for His work is very much intact. Human beings, being what we are can be wearied and tired. God, who is the owner and founder of the Church, would wake us up once again in order to finish the good work He started in us.
Today’s prayer is a wake-up call to the church. Being a Church who is concerned with the teaching, training and equipping of the members, GOFAMINT has men and women spiritually loaded and ready to explode. Our Church has experienced the glory of the former house and now moving forward towards the glory of the latter house which will definitely be greater than that of the former house.
The founding leaders and the youths in the early days of the Church were visionary, active and fervent for the Lord. They were selfless and totally sold out for the work of the Lord. Their efforts were crowned by God with the conversion of many souls and the springing up of the branches of the Church all over the place.
May God continue to bless those involved in that first great move of God in this Church. They sacrificed their time, their money and their energy! Some of them had gone to be with the Lord now. May God continue to bless the members of their families left behind.
The Church is now ripe for the second move of God which will surpass the first move.
This upcoming move of God will be greater than the pervious one. It will be all-embracing revival which will affect all areas of life of the Church positively. GOFAMINT is going to be cynosure of all eyes, and model for other Churches. All hands must be on deck for this coming move of God. Our youths in particular, must be ready like Prophet Elisha of old who was willing, ready and watchful to take over the mantle and assume the double portion of power and assignment from his master, Elijah (2 Kings 2:9-12).
- Thank You, dear Lord, for what You have done for us especially the former rain of revival we experienced in this church.
- We are ready to rise and shine, according to Your commandment, lighten our lives with Your glory, and make us to shine for You, oh dear Lord.
- It was You who did all we are seeing in GOFAMINT today, do greater things again in our lives and in our midst in Jesus name.
- Reveal Your glory in a greater way than before in GOFAMINT in Jesus mighty name.
- We are ready to stand up, move forward and run with the gospel for You, dear Lord, enable us, empower us and help us to take the nations for You.
- Isa. 60:4-5. The souls of men is Your utmost desire, use us as the Church to bring souls in greater number to Your kingdom oh Father.
- Open the door for GOFAMINT to take the gospel to not only all the continents of the earth but all countries and diverse people in every location.
- We command: “Lift your heads up, all ye gates and be ye lifted up, all gates in all nations of the earth that GOFAMINT may go in with the glorious gospel in Jesus name”.
- Today, we ask for the double portion of Your power with which You worked with our founding fathers in order to do greater exploits for You in Jesus name.
- We lift up the banner of GOFAMINT up in all nations of the earth and we decree that the name of Jesus must be proclaimed and GOFAMINT be established in all the countries in Jesus name.
- Lay Your hand upon all the people You want to use in our midst, anoint them and lead them into the different fields You want to use them in Jesus name.
- Purge the heart of everyone with the wrong motives of commercializing the gospel and create a new heart with genuine love of the kingdom in individuals heart in Jesus name.
- Rekindle the fire of the spirit of evangelism in us in Jesus mighty name.
- GOFAMINT assemblies in all localities, arise and shine! GOFAMINT ministers, arise and shine! GOFAMINT workers, arise and shine! GOFAMINT members, arise and shine!
- All veils covering our Churches, we command fire of the Holy Spirit to destroy them in Jesus name.
- Stars, arise in great numbers in GOFAMINT with diverse gifts of the Holy Spirit and begin to make impact for the kingdom in Jesus name.
- Help us, Lord, to preach the gospel and show Your light to the world with exemplary lives and demonstration of power, with character and charisma.
- Dear Father, You have given us Your word for the world, please give us the world for Your word in Jesus name.