#VictoryMonth DAY 23: TUESDAY, 24TH JANUARY, 2017
TextS: Acts 19:10, Isaiah 42:4
Insight FOR effective and fervent prayers
The early Church began it’s move powerfully from Asia and then into the then known world, which are called ‘Isles’, or what metamorphosed into today’s western world. The instrument used for the expansion and establishment is the word of the Lord. That is why Acts 19:10 was a prophetic fulfilment of Isaiah 42:4. We cannot do less than this today if we must be successful in these nations. In these days of science and technological advancement, the only instrument that we can use to advance still remains the settled word. Church growth in Asia and other western world has been a tremendous answer to prayer in the past decades; China itself has experienced great harvest, lands previously cut off to Christianity have unprecedented Church growth (including India, Iran, Bangladesh, Cambodia, and Vietnam). Indigenous church planting movements and leadership have flourished. Globalization and modernization play a heavy hand in bringing change to the landscape of the region as political tension and unrest escalate. Despite this growth, Asia is the most heavily persecuted continent amongst staunch ideologies and state-endorsed atheism. This remains a challenge to evangelism. We must therefore pray fervently that our churches in these nations will hold strongly to the banner of truth embedded in the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ.
- Let us thank God for what He had used these nations to do in the past, especially taking the gospel to other parts of the world, including Africa.
- Pray that in all these nations, where our Church exist; the Lord will use His word and our exemplary living to arrest the moral decadence there.
- Let us pray that the Lord will grant us an effective outreach to the indigenes and locals in these countries, such as USA, Canada, Britain, Belgium, UAE (Dubai), Mexico, Australia, Philippines, Israel and Ireland.
- The least reached peoples’ on earth are predominately Asian – pray for their evangelization open doors for workers being sent for the harvest of souls.
- Drug and human trafficking have accelerated rapidly, especially among poorer South/East Asian countries. Pray for justice and the hope of the Gospel to be seen in tangible, redeeming ways.
- Pray against resistance from non-Christian religions that are influencing politics, restricting Christianity movement and missionary outreach specifically, Islam in Western Asia, extremist Hindu groups in India, Buddhism in SE Asia, and Asian indigenous ethnic religions.
- Now, pray for the entrance and establishment of the GOFAMINT in the following nations as a response to our call on Vision to the Nations, viz: China, Russia, Japan, Korea, Hong Kong, India, Malaysia, Brazil, Argentina, Thailand and Indonesia.
- Pray for Christian believers in these countries who are converts from Islam; pray against persecution from their families, perseverance in the faith and their transformed lives as a witness to their communities.
- Pray for Leadership training of ethnic Churches and ministries; opportunities for training are few outside of Western seminaries and many who leave don’t return
- Pray for the hunger for Truth as the ‘Arab Spring’ sweeps through this region over the past decade; pray that people may find true freedom in Christ as they question religions and government upbringing.
- Pray that the Lord will use us in return to reciprocate the gestures of their forefathers in these nations that brought the gospel to our lands through our passionate and appropriate teaching of the Word of the Lord to them.
- Ask the Lord for wisdom by our Pastors to strike the correct balance in these nations, while standing on the Word of God, yet respecting their traditions and culture that they may win them for Christ.
- Pray that the Lord will work with our Pastors in these nations with anointing for signs and wonders to bring great harvest of souls to our churches.
- Pray that the Lord will touch, change and transform political leaders in these nations to provide enabling environments for the gospel to thrive and advance.
- Pray that the Lord will reverse the dangerous apostasy trends in some of these nations that had once been the sponsors of Gospel movements worldwide, that the Lord will use our Churches and other African based Churches to revive them.