Sun. 7/9/2014

Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Life Foundation

Unit 1 Theme: Knowing The Foundation Doctrines (Lessons 1-5)


Sunday 7/9/ 2014



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 83, 109

Devotional Reading: GEN. 4:1-8

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lessons

GEN. 2:15-17; 3:1-6; 4:7; 41:9; DEUT. 9:18; ROM. 1:18-32; 3:9-23; 5:12-14

Memory Verse:

“So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes, and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate”. (Gen. 3:6) NKJV.



Sun. 7/9/2014

Lay Aside Your Besetting Sin

Heb. 12:1-2

Someone may say thank God I am a Christian, I have given my life to Christ, I have been saved and therefore all these issues of sin matter do not concern me. Yes, this may be true to a certain extent but Christians should understand that as long as we are in this world, we are not totally free from being enticed to sin. The writer of Hebrews even said we need to lay aside all besetting sins. These are sins that easily come our way, sins that are standing well around, sin that is very near or at hand or readily occur. You know yourself, I know myself. No one is exempted of these besetting sins ‘but it is surmountable with the help of the Holy Spirit and with watchfulness and determination on our part’.

Point of Emphasis: Be careful of those sinful habits that are denting your image and integrity in Christ.

Prayer Point:            I overcome all besetting sins that want to send me to hell in Jesus’ name (Amen).



in has become a common place affair in our society. It is a household name. It is found anywhere and everywhere and being practised freely with impunity.
The mention of sin does not mean anything to many people, and that is why you see some people responding “and so what?” But sin is grievous and deadly. This week’s lesson examines the meaning and origin of sin in the Bible.


  1. THE TERMS AND MEANING OF SIN: GEN. 4:7; 41:9; DEUT. 9:18; ROM. 1:18-32

In the Old Testament, the common Hebrews term for sin is “Hatta”. This word means “to miss a scope or road or aim”, “to miss one’s step”, “to stumble, to fall”. It also denotes to cause or to induce to sin. In the New Testament, the popular term is “Hamartia”, which means “to miss the mark” or “missing the right path”. From the meaning of both terms, the underlying idea of sin is that of law and of a law giver. The law giver is God who stipulates the rules and regulations that man must abide by. The moment a person falls away from the ideals, that moment he or she misses the desirable aspects of God’s law. The moment a person missed the mark of perfection expounded by God, he or she has committed sin and is a sinner.

However, the meaning of the Hebrew term also shows that when a person, though he or she may not sin, causes or induces others to commit sin, that person has also committed sin. This is the reason why no believer should beat his or her chest that he or she is not affected in this discussion of sin. How many times have you given wrong information that have led others to “miss the mark”? What have you done, said or not done that has caused others to stumble and fall away from the laws of God? If there is any, you need to repent and begin to watch carefully what you say, do and how you relate with others.

Therefore, sin can be defined as missing the mark or road of divine standard (Gen. 2:15-17; 3:1-6); trespassing or defiance of God’s authority (Num. 20:1-11) transgressing the law of God (Ps. 51:1) lawlessness or iniquity or wicked-ness (Rom. 1:18-32) disobedience or unbelief (Gen. 3:1-6; 1 Sam. 15:1-23) and failure in one’s duty to God and to man (Mic. 6:8; Jam. 4:17; Rom. 7:5-24).


 At the beginning of creation, God’s original plan for man was to live for Him and for His pleasure. All that man needed had been provided by God. God even decided to give accommodation to man by planting the Garden of Eden. Man was instructed to till the ground and keep the garden. Since there is no privilege without responsibility, God had to instruct the first man and woman, Adam and Eve that they could eat free of every tree in the garden except the tree of knowledge of good and evil. He gave the instruction with what would be the outcome if they disregard the instruction (Gen. 2:15-17). At this point, God had already laid down a standard and a law for the people to follow.

As Adam and Eve were living their lives, a time came when the Devil, the thief and killer of joy (Jn. 10:10), came and started chatting with Eve about the status of the tree of knowledge of Good and Evil. Because Eve gave the serpent an inch, he went forward a mile, he twisted God’s instruction and eventually deceived Eve, who eventually ate the forbidden fruit and also gave her husband to eat. The first couple, at this point, had missed the mark of God’s instruction, they had transgressed God’s command, they had failed in their duty to God and to humankind. Therefore, they had sinned. This was how sin came into the world and has since then spread like wild-fire, making people to become enemy of God.

  1. THE INHERITED SINFUL NATURE: ROM. 5:12-14; 3:9-23

  Someone may ask: how has the sin of a couple affected the whole of mankind? Why is it that when a child is born today, not knowing anything, not being able to talk or relate with people, still the child is regarded as a sinner? The answer is that Adam was a representative of mankind. He had all mankind in his loins. Whatever he did, his success and failure were done on behalf of all human beings. When Adam sinned, sin entered the entire human race and sin brought death. Because everyone sinned, every-one also died (v. 12).

Paul gave an example of how sin works on people. God’s law was not given until the time of Moses, so the people who lived between Adam and Moses did not have any specific law to obey or break. But sin that was in the world was the power or force that caused people to act independently of God. All those people were under the power of sin and all people acted in rebellion against God. Sin was in the world from the beginning through Adam and Eve but it came into sharp focus when the law was given to Moses (vv. 13-14)

What made us to know that all men have inherited the sinful nature from Adam is because death has passed unto all, which was the main repercussion for disobedience that God mentioned in Gen. 2:17. Paul declares unequivocally in Rom. 3:23 that “for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God”. There is no one that is righteous, there is no one who does good, we have all turned aside from seeking God (Rom. 3:10-12). Here Paul explains that there is no difference that existed among human beings, irrespective of race, place or generation one is born, all men, both Jews and Gentiles, are sinners and have come short of God’s glory. They have missed God’s standard and mark. Therefore, all people coming into this world have inherited the sinful nature and must do everything possible to reconcile with their Maker.


God has a standard, He has a foundation based on His word and that standard is standing sure. Anyone that will measure up to God’s standard must depart from sin, transgression and iniquity. Believers must deal with all besetting sins that easily cling to them and be careful in their daily activities, relying only on the power of the Holy Spirit to live a life that is above sin.



1.    What do you understand by the term “Hatta”?

2.    Give the meaning of “Hamartia”.

3.    What was God’s original plan for man?

4.    How did sin come into the world?

5.    Why are all human race declared sinners?



DIMANCHE 07/09/2014


HEB. 1:1-2

Quelqu’un pourrait dire qu’il remercie Dieu d’être chrétien, qu’il a donné sa vie à Christ, qu’il a été sauvé et alors qu’il ne se sent pas concerné par tous ces problèmes relevant de l’immoralité. D’accord, cela pourrait être vrai dans une certaine mesure mais les chrétiens doivent comprendre qu’aussi longtemps que nous vivons dans ce monde, nous ne sommes pas encore totalement libres d’être séduits par le péché. L’auteur du livre d’Hébreux a même affirmé que nous devons mettre de côté tous nos grands défauts. Ce sont ces péchés qui se présentent facilement sur notre chemin, des péchés qui se tiennent tout autour, des péchés qui sont plus proche, à portée de main ou qui ont lieu facilement. Tu te connais toi-même, nous nous connaissons nous-mêmes. Nul n’est épargné de ces grands défauts mais ils sont surmontables avec l’aide du Saint-Esprit et de la vigilance et de la détermination de notre part.

Point essentiel : Prends garde à ces habitudes immorales qui ternissent ton image de marque et ton intégrité en Christ.

Axe de prière : Je surmonte tous les grands défauts qui veulent me conduire en enfer au nom de Jésus. (Amen).

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