Sun. 19/10/2014
Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Life Foundation
Unit 1 Theme: Knowing The Only True God (Lessons 6-7)
Sunday 19/10/ 2014
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 69, 259
Devotional Reading: MATT. 17:14-21
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lessons
Matt. 8:5-13, 23-27; 9:27-31; Rom. 10:8-17
Memory Verse:
And the Apostles said “Lord, increase our faith” (Lk. 17:5) NKJV .
Sun. 19/10/2014
Faith Comes By Hearing
Rom. 10:8-17
We need to understand that the basis of believers’ faith in God is the truth they know about God that makes them believe in Him that He is enough for them. But where can they find these truths about God? It is in the Bible. The more we read the Bible, listening to God’s word being preached by others, the more our faith in God increases, the more we believe in the ability and capability of God to solve all our problems and to give us direction where we are confused. Therefore, you need not forsake the assembly of the children of God, where you will constantly hear God’s word that can assist you in building up your faith.
Point of Emphasis: The word of faith is near you, in your mouth and in your heart.
Prayer Point: Lord, help me to hear, obey and speak out Your word for my faith to increase in You.
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aith has the potential to grow. At salvation, all believers are given the same measure of faith by God but the level of faith of each believer is determined by so many factors in his or her walk with God. This week’s lesson is a continuation of last week’s lesson and it intends to reveal that God does measure our faith to know whether we have little or great faith in Him.
Jesus and His disciples were traveling on the sea and suddenly, there arose a tempest that troubled the boat. Jesus had already slept but the situation was so tense that the disciples were afraid. However, they cried unto Jesus to save them, lest they perished.
When Jesus woke up, the first thing He did was to rebuke them “why are you so fearful?” Jesus asked them this rhetorical question because He expected that since the time they have been following Him and seeing all the miracles He had performed, their faith in Him and His ability to handle every situation should have increased. But on a closer look, Jesus knew the source of their fear, which is the fact that they have “little faith”. It demonstrates lack of absolute trust in the ability of God to handle the situation on the part of the disciples. Eventually, Jesus rebuked the storm and there was great calm and the disciples marveled at the simplicity with which Jesus handled the situation. What is your faith level in God?
Here we see a centurion, a Roman soldier coming to Jesus and beseeching Him to come and heal his servant who was sick of palsy. This centurion, though a Gentile, yet know that Jesus was able to heal. He came to Him, not with arrogance in his heart like Naaman who was also a centurion but with humility. He was begging Jesus to come and heal the servant.
Jesus agreed to come to the centurion’s house and heal the servant. But the centurion demonstrated a faith that Jesus Himself regarded as “Great Faith” (v. 10), when he told Jesus not to bother Himself coming to his house but to speak the word of authority and he believed his servant shall be healed. He believed that Jesus is a man of authority and that His word carries authority and that the word can travel long distance to effect healing.
The faith of this centurion, someone that people looked down upon because of the nature of his job, impressed Jesus, and He declared it to be a great faith. It is a great faith indeed because while even believers will be looking for anointing oil, holy water, laying on of hands etc. to support their faith, this man believed only in the power of the word of God. Since the time you have been going in and out with Jesus, what is the measure and level of your faith in Him? Is God’s word alone enough for you or you need artificial support? Evaluate yourself.
The level of your faith in God will determine how much blessing and goodness of God you will receive and enjoy. You will only go as far as your faith can carry you. This principle is exemplified in the two blind men that approached Jesus for healing. The question Jesus asked them was “do you believe that I am able to do this?”. If many people are asked the same question, they will answer yes, just like the two blind men. But was it everyone that answered this way that got what they wanted? The answer is no. We knew that the two blind men really believed when Jesus did not pray for them but only said “according to your faith, be it unto you” (v. 29) and the two of them received their healing. This shows that the level of faith in them was able to access their healing in God and they got it.
There are certain Biblical principles that God has put in place to assist believers in the process of growing their faith. These principles include: (i) hearing God’s word. The Bible says “faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). God speaks to us either through His written word (the Bible) or through the spoken word (the ministers of God). When we hear them, believe them and work on them, our faith will grow. (ii) Faith grows by speaking the word of God (Mk. 11:22-23). Once a person has known God’s truth, for the truth to be translated into reality, he or she must speak it out. Jesus said “whosoever shall say unto this mountain” (Mk. 11:22-23), (not whosoever shall know in his heart). Faith finds its expression as we begin to say what God said in His word ( Rom. 10:8-10). (iii) Faith grows through obedience. Whatever God has spoken to you, you need to act upon them fast and that is when your faith can grow. But if God speaks and we go on with whatever we are doing and do not take action, we cannot experience growth in our faith.
God has given us seed of faith at conversion and He expects us to work on our faith and make it grow to a level where we will always be on top of situations based on the truth we have known in His word. When we are crying in a situation where we suppose to laugh, then God still sees us as a baby in the school of faith. Use the tips in this lesson to grow in faith and to grow your faith.
- What can make a believer have little faith?
- Is Great faith attainable and achievable in Christ? Why or why not?
- How is faith a determinant of what we get from God?
- What are the steps we can take to make our faith to grow?
- How will you judge your faith in God – little, great, weak or strong?
DIMANCHE 19/10/2014
RO. 10 :8-17
Nous avons besoin de comprendre que la base de la foi en Dieu des croyants est la vérité qu’ils connaissent de Dieu, laquelle les fait croire en lui et qui leur suffit. Mais où peuvent-ils trouver ces vérités au sujet de Dieu? – dans la Bible. Plus nous lisons la Bible, écoutons la parole de Dieu étant prêchée par d’autres, plus notre foi en Dieu augmente, plus nous croyons à l’aptitude et à la capacité de Dieu de résoudre tous nos problèmes et de nous orienter là où nous sommes déconcertés. Tu as besoin donc de ne pas délaisser le rassemblement des enfants de Dieu où tu écouteras sans cesse la parole de Dieu qui peut t’aider à édifier ta foi.
Point essentiel : La parole de la foi est près de toi, dans ta bouche et dans ton cœur.
Axe de prière : Seigneur, aide-moi à écouter, à obéir et à prononcer ta parole pour que ma foi en toi augmente.