Mon. 22/12/2014

Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Spiritual Maturity

Unit 2 Theme: Practicing Spiritual Maturity Essentials (Lessons 4-9)


Sunday 28/12/ 2014



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 186

Devotional Reading: JAMES 1:19-25

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lessons

  1. LK. 6:46-49; 7:28-35; 10:38-42; 19:47-48; ACTS 17:11; 8:29-39

Memory Verse:

“So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath” (Jam. 1:19).



Mon. 22/12/2014

Habit Of Being Attentive

Lk. 10:38-42

God performs many of His miracles through His word. Often times He sends His word to prepare a person’s heart for His visitation – either to purge him, to catch his attention, realign his focus or correct when he has done wrong. At other times, He sends His word to encourage, to exhort or to reveal His plan and purpose. Mary realised that her destiny depended on carefully listening to what Jesus had to say. She did not allow any distraction to take her away from what Jesus was saying. On the contrary, Martha was distracted with preparing food to welcome Jesus as a visitor. Good as her intention was, it did not make up for her loss in not hearing what Jesus had to say. Many sit through the word ministration without actually hearing the message God is passing across. They are yet to develop the habit of being attentive in the presence of God. They lose out because God cannot reach them through His word.

Point of Emphasis:        God has a particular message for you each time if you can be attentive to hear Him.

Prayer Point:            Lord, I reject every form of distraction which the devil wants me to focus on.


LUNDI 22/12/2014


LUC 10:38-42

Dieu accomplit beaucoup de ces miracles par sa parole. Souvent, il envoie sa parole préparer le cœur d’une personne sur son invitation, soit pour la purger, pour attirer son attention, aligner de nouveau son objectif ou la corriger quand elle fait le mal. A d’autres moments, il envoie sa parole pour encourager, exhorter ou pour révéler son plan ou dessein. Marie se rendit compte que sa destinée dépendait d’écouter attentivement ce que Jésus avait à dire. Elle ne permit à aucune distraction de l’emporter de ce que Jésus disait. Au contraire, Marthe était quant à elle distraite à préparer de la nourriture pour accueillir Jésus en tant que visiteur. Aussi bienveillante que son intention fut, cela n’a pas compensé sa perte à ne pas écouter ce que Jésus avait à dire. Beaucoup assistent à la prédication de la parole sans pourtant écouter réellement le message que Dieu est en train de faire passer. Ils ne sont pas encore en mesure de développer l’habitude d’être attentif devant Dieu. Ils perdent car Dieu ne peut pas les joindre par sa parole.

Point essentiel : Dieu a chaque fois un message particulier pour toi si tu peux lui être attentif.

Axe de prière : Seigneur, je rejette toute forme de distraction à laquelle le diable veut que je m’adonne.

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