Mon. 5/10/2015
LESSON 6 11/10/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 28
Devotional Reading: Prov. 18:7-10
Topic For Adults: Rejected But Not Dejected
Topic For Youths: Flee To Safety
Topic For Intermediates: Run From Sin
Scripture Lesson: Exo. 2:15
Memory Verse: “When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwell in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well (Exo. 2:15) NKJV
Mon. 5/10/2015
Moses, Unrecognised Deliverer
Acts 7:17-29
It was by divine plan that Moses was raised up as Pharaoh’s daughter’s son. It afforded him the opportunity of being groomed for leadership position and to escape the slave mentality. God designed to use him as the deliverer for His people. At the age of forty, God put it in his heart to visit the Israelites, who were being used as slaves. As a first token of what God wanted to use him for, he slew an Egyptian who was maltreating a Hebrew. This ought to have conveyed a message to the Hebrews that there was someone in Pharaoh’s palace who was interested in their plight. If they had this understanding, they would have rallied round him and their period of oppression would have been shortened by forty years. Instead of accepting him, they branded him as a murderer and he had to escape to Midian for forty years.
Point of Emphasis: The oppressed Israelites did not recognize that God had raised for them a deliverer.
Prayer Point: Father, give me clear understanding to recognize Your program of intervention in my life.
LUNDI 05/10/2015
ACTES 7 :17-29
C’était par un plan divin que Moïse fut élevé comme fils de la fille de Pharaon. Cela lui accorda l’opportunité d’être bien formé à la position de leadership et d’échapper à la mentalité d’esclave. Dieu conçut de l’utiliser comme libérateur pour son peuple. A l’âge de quarante ans, Dieu lui mit au cœur de rendre visite aux Israélites, qui étaient utilisés comme esclaves. Comme premier symbole de ce que Dieu voulait l’utiliser, il tua l’Egyptien qui maltraitait un Hébreux. Cela devrait avoir communiqué un message aux Hébreux qu’il y avait quelqu’un au palais de Pharaon qui s’intéressait à leur situation. S’ils avaient cet entendement, ils se seraient rangé de son côté et cela aurait écourté leur temps d’oppression de quarante ans. Au lieu de l’accepter, ils l’ont catalogué comme meurtrier et il dut s’échapper à Madian pour quarante ans.
Point essentiel : les Israelites opprimés n’avaient pas reconnu que Dieu leur avait soulevé un libérateur.
Axe de prière : Père, donne-moi une compréhension claire de reconnaître ton programme d’intervention dans ma vie.