#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Thur. 24/12/2015
LESSON 4 27/12/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 232, 233
Devotional Reading: Acts 22:12-15
Topic For Adults: You May Not Be Recognised
Topic For Youths: Playing The Second Fiddle
Topic For Intermediates: Working Behind The Scenes
Scripture Lesson: Acts 9:10-19; 22:11-16; Matt. 25:20-23; Jn. 12:26; 1 Pet. 1:7
Memory verse: Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there. Acts 22:12 (NKJV)
Thur. 24/12/2015
The Flawless Plan
Acts 9:11-12
God’s directions were clear. Ananias was to go immediately to Straight Street, to look for Saul of Tarsus who was praying in the house of a man named Judas. Saul had seen a vision from the Lord as well. The Lord told Saul that a man named Ananias was coming to lay hand on him, and Saul would receive his sight. Saul had a shocking, overwhelming encounter with God, and he was struck blind. Ananias, on the other hand, was quietly seeking the Lord, and listening. God spoke softly to Ananias, because He knew that Ananias was listening to God’s directions. God told Ananias about Saul’s vision to reassure him. Saul was a very dangerous man, and God let Ananias know that He was taking care of Saul. So, why did God use Ananias? There was nothing to indicate that he was extra holy. He was just available, and God loves to use us to work out His plans. Ananias was in the right place, with the right willing heart, and God used him. God used Ananias because he was an ordinary man. If Paul had been ministered to by an apostle or a prominent person, people might say Paul received his gospel from a man instead of Jesus. God’s plans were perfect. He is God after all.
Point of Emphasis: God’s plans are perfect.
Prayer Point: Make me an instrument in your plan oh Lord!
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