Daily Devotion Sun. 16/4/2017

16/4/2017 LESSON 7
Unit 3: Pathway To Prosperity (Lessons 7-12)
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 75, 311
Devotional Reading: MAL. 3:10-12
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
DEUT. 4:22-23; 1 COR. 16:1-2
“Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and try Me now in this,” says the LORD of Hosts. Mal. 3:10a (NKJV)
Sun. 16/4/2017
Pay The Tithe Of All
2 Chro. 31:2-6
When Hezekiah reformed Judah worship, the worshippers brought their offering and tithes as he has instructed. It does not make sense for us to short-change God our great provider since we are stewards of whatever we have. He gave them to us. He is only asking us for one-tenth of what He has provided for us. The people did not grumble nor complain. They gave to support God’s work and finance their spiritual leaders so that they can be effective in their spiritual exercise. They set example for how Christians should give to their spiritual leaders. We should develop the heart of giving to God our dues. It is God’s instruction that we should give our tithes and set aside portion of what God has given us to show our appreciation to Him.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: Don’t grumble nor complain about giving to God what really belongs to Him.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: I want more of Your blessings and eternal rewards, I will not deny You of what is Your due, my God.
The importance of understanding God’s demand from believers cannot be overemphasised. Many times some people’s view of obedience to God is short-sighted. There is nothing God asks us to do that doesn’t make sense. The Bible is explicit enough on His demand that we should bring one-tenth of our income into His storehouse so that there can be enough food in His house. This is not man’s postulation, it is God that ordained it. It is God’s mandatory portion.
This week’s lesson focuses on the need for Christians to put God first and abide by His injunction so that God can bless us more. We should realise that we are stewards of our possession. God is the owner.
PART 1: PURPOSE OF TITHING (DEUT. 14:22-23; 1 COR. 16:1-2)
God specifically mentions His demand for one-tenth of the income of His people. He tells us when, what, where and how to give our tithe. This is not negotiable, if God is truly having the first place in our heart (Deut. 14:22-25). It is guaranteed that if we give according to His demand promptly and accurately, He will recompense us with His blessings. Since a steward is expected to be faithful, we must give good account of our stewardship by giving God one-tenth of our income.
A man of God – Sam Adeyemi says “you are not doing God a favour by tithing. It is His. He factored it into your income from the beginning. If you agree that order creates increase, you will agree that the first thing to take out from your income is your tithe.
Also, the purpose of tithing is to teach you always to put God first in your lives. It is a proof that faithful tithers fear God and have put their dependence on Him for their provisions because they know that they are not self-sufficient. The man of God mentioned above positioned that “it is like circumcising your money which purifies the remaining of it”. God’s blessing is not limited to monetary reward alone, He is talking about the blessing that brings the blessings”.
Tithing should be done according to the measure by which God has prospered individuals. It is not subject to any human preference or control; it is an action of the will based on divine standard as stipulated in the word of God (1 Cor. 16:2)
It is a means of God’s provision for the Levities i.e. those that are working in His vineyard because they completely depend on God. You must, therefore, do it truly, faithfully and promptly (Deut. 14:22)
The mixed multitudes are not good as the on-lookers while the on-lookers are not like the committed ones. This is a paradox that fits the congregation in our church today which ought not to be. There are good numbers of people who are not tithing at all while some are paying non-challantly below their income levels. Those who pay one-tenth and above are very few. Tithing is a vital part of our faith. Whatever may be your reason for not paying shows that you are faithless. Remember Jesus asks a vital question in Luke 18:8 “When the Son of man comes will He find faith on earth?” (NRSV).
A researcher gives six top reasons why non-tithing Christians are not faithful to their tithes.
¨ Some claim they could not afford to tithe
¨ They owe many debts (bankrupt).
¨ Their spouses or partners did not agree on tithing
¨ They believe in proportionate giving
¨ Their book-keeping or finances are not in good order
¨ They believe that tithing is Old Testament practice
Defaulters! You that are cheating God, what is your reason for not tithing? Take this appeal from the lesson, ‘pay your tithe so that things will not be tight with you’.
Many Christians are not ignorant of the necessity of paying tithe but some have developed a close mind to this biblical injunction. God will open their eyes of understanding to see the benefits of paying tithe so that they will not continue to rob God.
Start paying your tithe accurately and promptly. Ask yourself, what do I gain from robbing God. Also, encourage your spouse and children to start paying their tithes faithfully.
In Malachi 3:6, God spoke that He never changes, He wants those who are disobedient to His command to change their ways of life so that they can receive His blessing in abundance. We must first do the work in our own part and then trust Him for the reward. God says ‘prove me now’ and see if I will not bless you to the extent of getting more than you need. However, the blessings God promised is based on this promise “nothing ventured, nothing gained’.
Sir John Temptation says, “I have watched over 100,000 families over my years of investment counselling, I always see greater prosperity and happiness among those families who tithed than among those who don’t.
Aside from what sir John Temptation says, there are other blessings which accrue to those who pay their tithes faithfully.
¨ Tithing Christians are better off financially than non-tithing Christians
¨ Tithing Christians are highly active in their local congregation
¨ Most tithers regularly read their Bible.
¨ Tithers come from all income brackets and location
Think about your attitude to tithing with a view to obeying God’s command and His blessing will be yours. God will open the window of Heaven for you (2) Divine blessings will be yours (3) Devourers will stop from eating your crops (4) Destroyers will not destroy the produce of your land (5) Your fruits will not be aborted (6) You will be called ‘blessed’ by all Nations because God will make you delightful.
A true child of God will know that these blessings are surfix to bring the desired change, whereas the disobedient are cursed with everlasting curse – Deut. 28:1-12; 15ff. Take this opportunity to do the right thing.
- Who commanded that one-tenth of our gross income should be paid as our tithe?
- What are the reasons for tithing?
- Mention some facts about tithers and non-tithers
- How did God describe non-tithers? Is it good to rob God?
- What are the blessings that God promised tithers?