Day 3, April 20

The Unstoppable Hand of God (2)
Read this;
““But I know that the king of Egypt will not let you go. Only a great power will force him to let you go, so I will use my great power against Egypt. I will strike Egypt with all the miracles that will happen in that land. After I do that, he will let you go. I will cause the Egyptians to think well of the Israelites. So when you leave, they will give gifts to your people. Each woman should ask her Egyptian neighbor and any Egyptian woman living in her house for gifts—silver, gold, and clothing. You should put those gifts on your children when you leave Egypt. In this way you will take with you the riches of the Egyptians.””
Exodus 3:19-22 NCV
God told Moses, “the King of Egypt will not let you go unless a mighty hand compels him” Ex.3:19 NIV.
The Mighty Hand of God is the Holy Spirit. 1 Kings 18:46. It is also called The Anointing of the Holy Spirit.
This is why the word of God says that it is not by power nor by might but by my Spirit says the Lord. Zechariah.4:6
The increase of God’s power in your life forces the surrender of enemies.
The opposition must be made to bow by force.
The mighty hand of God also caused the Egyptians to think we’ll of the Israelites.
Your blessing and breakthrough to the Next Level has a lot to do with how people think about you.
The Egyptians, acting under God’s unstoppable hand, began to think well of the people of Israel. Something just came over them and they began to think we’ll of the people of Israel and started blessing them with gifts.
Get ready, this is happening for you Now!
Prayer Points
1. Give thanks for Day 3 of this program.
2. Sweet Holy Spirit, I welcome you as my friend, comforter, standby, advocate and strengthener.
3. Father God, I am your child; let your Mighty Power be activated in my life today in Jesus name.
4. Every resistance in my way are shattered by the mighty power of God in Jesus name
5. Father let your power begin to work mightily on my behalf, such that people will think favorably towards me in Jesus name
6. By the mighty hand of God, I declare that I enjoy blessings I don’t deserve in Jesus name.
7. Holy Spirit, overshadow me with your presence.
8. Every opposition, enemy, barrier, affliction…in my life, this is your time to bow to the mighty power of God in Jesus name.
9. Darkness and light cannot cohabit. I therefore command the exit of darkness from every area of my life in Jesus name.