Day 5, April 22

Instructions For The Next Level
Leviticus 9:1-6; Acts 16:30
There is something to do to change your current position.
“Then Moses said, “This is what the Lord has commanded you to do, so that the glory of the Lord may appear to you.””
Leviticus 9:6 NIV
There is something to do!
God told Moses to stretch his rod before the Red Sea parted. Exodus 14:15-16
Abraham was instructed to leave his country, kindred and father’s house before becoming a great nation. Genesis 12:1-3
Jesus commanded the father of the sick boy to have faith. Mk.9:23
What must you do before the glory of God appears in your life?
Let God reveal it to you today!
Prayer Points
1. Give thanks for the last day of this program
2. Almighty father, show me the instruction for my next level.
3. Sweet Holy Spirit, show me what I must do in order to see your glory in my life in Jesus name
Now make the ff. Prophetic declarations
4. This is my season for signs and wonders
5. This is my time for the fullness of God’s glory
6. Everything is turning in my favor
7. My salvation is manifesting fully and speedily in Jesus name.