#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Fri. 25/12/2015

LESSON 4                                            27/12/2015



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 232, 233

Devotional Reading: Acts 22:12-15

Topic For Adults: You May Not Be Recognised

Topic For Youths: Playing The Second Fiddle

Topic For Intermediates: Working Behind The Scenes

Scripture Lesson: Acts 9:10-19; 22:11-16; Matt. 25:20-23; Jn. 12:26; 1 Pet. 1:7


Memory verse:           Then a certain Ananias, a devout man according to the law, having a good testimony with all the Jews who dwelt there. Acts 22:12 (NKJV)


Fri. 25/12/2015

The Fervent Prayer

Acts 9:13-16

We see here that Ananias had a few reservations about going to Straight Street to look for Saul. This is not so surprising. No doubt that Ananias and all the believers in Damascus had heard that Saul was on his way, and what Saul intended to do once he got there. Maybe some believers fled there as well, but Ananias stayed put. He waited and listened. When God spoke to him, he asked questions. That’s how prayer works, it’s a two-way street. Ananias had some reservations, and rightly so. He asked the Lord if he heard Him right. He reminded God. He had done a lot of bad things. But God told about Saul’s calling, what God’s plans for Saul are. Before He told Ananias about Saul. He had told Ananias about how He had called Saul to be the messenger that He had chosen to take the gospel first to the gentiles, and then to kings, and lastly to the nation of Israel. God told Ananias that He would show Saul how many things he must suffer for His name’s sake. Saul was saved. Saul was called to spread the gospel to the gentiles. But, Saul would certainly suffer for the gospel.

Point of Emphasis:      Prayer is a two way communication, listen to God while praying.

Prayer Point:               Lord, make your plans plain to me at all times while I pray to you.

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