#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 10/12/2017

UNIT 1 – Knowledge About Interpersonal Relationship (Lessons 1-4)
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 258, 271
Devotional Reading: LUKE 6:27-36
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lesson
PROV. 10:11-14; 15:1-2; 25:28; LK. 6:36-37; 7:1-5; MATT. 18:21-22
10/12/2017 LESSON 2
And just as you want men to do to you, you also do to them likewise (Luke 6:31) NKJV
Sun. 10/12/2017
The Principle Of Forgiveness
Matt. 18:21-35
As human beings with frailties in characters, there is no way we will interact and not offend one another in one way or the other. There may be misunderstanding or misconception of intended message or action by some and this will definitely create friction in the relationship. However, irrespective of the nature and gravity of offence, believers in Christ must be ready to forgive and move on with their lives. Know that if you really understand and appreciate what Christ did for you by forgiving you all your iniquities and making you His son or daughter, there is nothing anyone can do to you that you should not forgive. Couples that will last in their marital relationships must apply this principle always because there will be uncountable numbers of wrong doings in the home, but they must forgive one another to be able to stay together.
Point of Emphasis: Let others enjoy from you the forgiveness you also enjoy from God.
Prayer Point: Lord, baptize me with the spirit that forgives and forgets the wrongs that people may do to me
Every relationship that will last and be successful must have principles or rules and regulations guiding it. And it is not enough to know the principles, they must be put into use by both parties in the relationship. There are many principles of interpersonal relationship, however, this week’s lesson focuses on few of the Bible-based principles that must guide believers in all their interpersonal relationships so as to be what God wants them to become as His children.
Word is an essential ingredient in establishing and growing interpersonal relationship. The type of words that any of the parties in such relationships speak can make or mar, build up or pull down the relationship. As believers, the expectation of God is for us to use our words rightly and in a godly manner in all our interpersonal relationships. This is why Proverbs has pieces of instructions and advice for us. Firstly, you need to understand that your mouth (as a righteous person) must be a well of life (Pro. 10:11). To understand this better, the Message puts it this way “the mouth of a good person is a deep, life-giving well.” The key word there is life-giving. This indicates that you must build up yourself to the level where you will only be speaking life-giving words. The Bible says “Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one” (Col. 4:6).
In another vein, learn how to speak soft words, for they turn away or assuage anger (Pro. 15:1). Your partners in the relationship may be fond of speaking roughly to infuriate you so that there will be hitch in the relationship, but if you know how to respond with soft answer, you would have saved the relationship from harm. Do not confront anger with anger; avoid harsh words that can fuel anger. Learn to control your emotion when speaking with others (Pro. 25:28). Tame your tongue in all your interpersonal relationships (Jam. 3:1-12). In summary, mind what you say, how and where you say it and to whom you say it.
PART 2: PRINCIPLE OF LOVE – (PROV. 10:12; LK. 7:1-5)
The place of love in interpersonal relationship cannot be over estimated. As you relate with God, your husband, your wife, your children, your in-laws, your friends, your boss, your colleagues at work or in school, your neighbours and people you meet casually, you must demonstrate love in action. You need to know that people are of different characters and dispositions. Therefore, you must not expect perfection from anyone. The simple reason is that you are not perfect yourself. So as you relate with people always give allowance for mistakes and short-comings which you will respond to with your love.
The Bible says hatred stirs up strife, but love covers all sins (Pro. 10:12). This means hatred seeks for occasions to provoke enmity and delights in broils, you must therefore avoid it in your interpersonal relationship. People will provoke you, but keep your emotion under control. Do not respond to them with hatred. Love, on the other hand, conciliates, removes aggrava-tions, puts the best construction on everything, and pours water, not oil, upon the flame, therefore respond to every one as you relate with them. Your love for people will help you to overlook their shortcomings and focus on their strong points.
Your love for people can make them do for you what they would not have done ordinarily. In the story of the Centurion, ordinarily, those Jewish elders would not have approached Jesus on behalf of the Centurion because many of them did not believe in Jesus’ mission. But what constrained them to approach Jesus for the assistance was the fact that the Centurion demonstrated his love for God’s people. He did not say it only with his mouth, but he also practicalised it by building a synagogue (a worship centre) for the Jews. Love, according to Pastor (Dr.) E. O. Abina, “is a commodity which no man has ever rejected or will ever reject.” When you demonstrate love to people in your interpersonal relationship, you have nothing to lose, but you have many things to gain.
Knowing full well that those you will be relating with belong to different ethnic, family, social, moral and religious backgrounds, you need God’s wisdom in dealing with them. You need to understand that some, especially the unbelievers, may have ulterior motive in their bid of establishing interpersonal relationship with you. The Bible says the children of this world are in their generation wiser than the children of light (Lk. 16:8). Coupled with this is the fact that the children of this world have the wisdom of this world that is sensual, devilish, full of envy, strife, confusion and every evil work in nature (Jam. 3:15-16). This is the more reason why you need to ask for and apply godly wisdom in all your relationships (Jam. 1:5). This godly wisdom is pure, peaceable, gentle, easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, without hypocrisy, full of righteous deeds (Jam. 3:17-18).
In the passage quoted, there are two main things which a man with God’s wisdom will have. First is understanding, and the second is knowledge. These two relate to the word of God. You need to have proper knowledge and understanding of the word of God so as to scale through in your interpersonal relationship. In addition, you must have a little knowledge about the person you are relating with such as his or her likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses, etc., so that you may have the understanding of how to relate with the person.
I have not heard or seen any interpersonal relationship that is devoid of offence right from the beginning to the end of that relation-ship, especially when men are involved. When there is no offence or shortcomings in interper-sonal relationship, there will be no need for forgiveness. But the truth of the matter is that we will always offend ourselves as we relate together. Some, either advertently or inad-vertently will do things that we do not like and this may bring friction into the relationship.
Anytime we are offended by those we are in relationship with, God’s expectation from us as believers is to forgive. Forgiveness is to overlook the fault of others and pardon the person from the punish-ment due to the offence. This is what believers have enjoyed from God and which must be extended to people in our relationship with them. As a matter of fact, you have also been offending God in one way or the other after you have given your life to Christ, and God has been forgiving you as you ask for it. It is now your turn to forgive others. Someone may say after all I am not God, but the Bible says the basis for you to receive forgiveness from God is your ability to forgive those who offend you (Lk. 6:37). This means that if you do not forgive those who offend you, you will also no longer enjoy God’s forgiveness. And do you know what, there is no limitation to how many times people can offend you that you will forgive (Matt. 18:21-22). Therefore, always apply the principle of forgiveness in your interpersonal relationships.
As believers, God wants to reveal Himself to those who are yet to know Him through us. Therefore, as we interact and relate with people, let us always apply Bible-based principles of interpersonal relationships so that they may know God and come to Christ through our godly behaviours of speaking encouraging words, showing love, demonstrating wisdom, and forgiving their wrong doings.
- How important are spoken words in interpersonal relationship?
- What kind of words should believers speak to others?
- Mention the end results of hatred and love.
- Mention some of the characteristics of both earthly and godly wisdoms.
- Why is forgiveness necessary in interpersonal relationship?