#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 11/10/2015

LESSON 6                     11/10/2015


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 22, 28

Devotional Reading: Prov. 18:7-10

Topic For Adults: Rejected But Not Dejected

Topic For Youths: Flee To Safety

Topic For Intermediates: Run From Sin

Scripture Lesson: Exo. 2:15

Memory Verse:           “When Pharaoh heard of this matter, he sought to kill Moses. But Moses fled from the face of Pharaoh and dwell in the land of Midian; and he sat down by a well (Exo. 2:15) NKJV


Sun. 11/10/2015

Who Made You A Judge Over Us?

Exo. 2:11-14

Moses’ intention was pure and clear enough for the two fighting Israelites to see that he was just trying to make peace to reign between them. However there is a rebellious spirit inside man. The spirit does not want to submit to instituted authority, and does not want to submit to God either. It would have been apparent to the two fighters that the man talking to them was indeed a prince, even if they had never met him. But the man who started the quarrel would not want to submit to any authority rather insinuated that Moses had gone beyond his right or boundary. Carnality makes a Christian want to question spiritual authority. Those who give room to carnality find it difficult to obey their spiritual leaders; they would rather organize rebellion or disobedience in the church. Do you find it easy often to criticize your church leaders? Watch out!

Point of Emphasis:      The carnal mind is enmity against God; for it is not subject to the law of God.

Prayer Point:               I cast away the spirit of disobedience from me. I receive a tender spirit to obey You oh God.


            Moses’ first attempt to save his brethren from Egyptian’ servitude failed. When Pharaoh heard of his crime of killing an Egyptian, he tried to lay hand on Moses and kill him. In view of the life of Moses which is now at stake, he ran away to Midian for safety. Moses rejection and his flight to Midian is the topic for our discussion this week.



            As Jesus was rejected by His own so also Moses was rejected (Jn. 1:11). The affront given by Moses’ fellow brethren was kindness to him because it gave him the opportunity to understand that the killing of the Egyptian had been discovered. He wasted no time in making judicious use of the information. He quickly made way for his escape. He made use of the information coming their way, processed it and made use of them for their benefit. It must be realised that the only remedy and way of escape from death proposed by Pharaoh was to run for safety.

            Believers must equally realize that Moses ran out of prudent care of his life in faith. Perhaps this was what the apostle referred to in the New Testament (Heb. 11:27) “By faith he forsook Egypt not fearing the wrath of the kings for he endured, as seeing him who is invisible. Moses took a proper step for the preservation of his life.

            Rejection is very bad, when Moses was disowned or rejected by his own people (Exo. 2:14-15), he became distabilised and he had to run away. Nevertheless, he did not allow rejection to terminate their vision. He kept going because a quitter never wins. Moses knew what rejection meant but he later became the leader of those people who rejected him.


            ‘Midian’ the original Hebrew meaning is ‘Quarel’ Midian was one of the six sons born by Keturah to Abraham. The woman (Keturah) was married to Abraham after the death of Sarah (Gen. 25:2). She was sent alongside his sons away to the East.

            The Midianites were semi-normads from Trans-Jordan that Israel fought (Num. 25:16-18, 31:1-54) The Old Testament mentions the Midianites as widely scattered but their main homeland seems to be East of the Jordan and South of Edom. Historian later located them to the North Western Arabia, East of the gulf of Aqaba.

            Midian is the ancestor of the Midianites – A descent that constantly fought against the Israelites. The Israelites had both good and bad relationship with the Midianites.

  • Moses fled and married in Midian (Exo. 2:15-16)
  • The Midianites caused Israel to sin (Num. 25:15-18, 31:3-9; Jos. 13:21)
  • Warred against Israel (Judg. 6:1-8)
  • Joined Moab in cursing Israel (Num. 22:4-7)
  • Had intermarriage with Israelites which incurred God’s wrath (Num. 25:1-8)
  • Defeated by Israel (Num. 31:1-10)
  • Oppressed Israel, defeated by Gideon (Judg. 6:7)
  • The Midianites were associated with the Moabites in seducing Israel into immorally and pagan worship at Baal-peor (Num. 25:1-18). In view of this, God instructed Moses to stage a war of vengeance against them (Num. 31:3; Jos. 13:21)
  • In the days of the judges, the Midianties began to raid Israel using Carmel. Gideon drove them out and killed their leaders (Judges 6-8). They did not again threaten Israel but they harboured Solomon’s enemy, Hadad (1 Kgs. 11:18)


            It may be rational to say that God guided Moses to Midian as at the time because they were the seed of Abraham and they were used to worshipping the true God. We may also assume that God wanted him to have a safe and comfortable settlement. Here, he was to be trained and acquaint himself with what it took to lead the people out of slavery.

            Life is in phases, contrary to the pleasure and good things he had at his disposal in the Egyptian palace, he sat sad and tired beside the well, perhaps thinking and waiting for what providence would offer him. There are hard times when it seems as if God is far from us; Moses had no one to liaise or discuss with in his situation then but God had not finished with nor abandoned him. In the same manner, God has a good agenda for His children. He will never abandon them in their trying period. God had a good agenda for Moses which had not been revealed to Him. The next connection that he needed for him to move forward was provided by God at this well.


            When Moses came to a cross road and didn’t not know what to do, the Mighty and Merciful God provided a way out. The contact for the next level was provided. This still stands for believers.


  1. In accordance with this lesson, why was Moses a resemblance of Jesus?
  2. Who are the Midianites?
  3. What should we do when we find ourselves at a cross road?
  4. How will you view the relationship of the Midianites with the Hebrews?
  5. What can you deduce from Moses’ sitting by the well?


DIMANCHE 11/10/2015


EXODE 2 :11-14

L’intention de Moïse était assez pure et claire pour les deux Israélites qui se battaient pour s’apercevoir qu’il essayait simplement de faire régner la paix entre eux. Cependant, il y a dans l’homme un esprit rebelle, cet esprit qui ne désire se soumettre ni à l’autorité établie et à Dieu non plus. De façon apparente, les deux bagarreurs devraient se rendre compte que celui qui leur parlait était vraiment un prince, même s’ils ne l’avaient jamais rencontré. Même l’homme qui avait engagé la querelle ne voulait pas se soumettre à quelque autorité que ce soit et insinua plutôt que Moïse avait dépassé ses bornes. La chair fait qu’un chrétien s’amène à remettre en question une autorité spirituelle. Ceux qui donnent libre cours à la chair trouvent difficile à obéir à leurs leaders spirituels; ils organisent plutôt la rébellion et la désobéissance dans l’église. Trouves-tu souvent si facile de critiquer les leaders de ton église? Attention!

Point essentiel : L’affection de la chair est inimitié contre Dieu parce qu’elle ne se soumet pas à la loi de Dieu.

Axe de prière : J’ôte de moi l’esprit de désobéissance. Je reçois un esprit doux à t’obéir, O Dieu.

GOFAMINT Australia