#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 24/9/2017

UNIT 2 – Preventing Conflict In The Church (Lessons 4-7)
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 270, 309
Devotional Reading: PS. 82:104
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Lesson Scriptures
DEUT. 16:18-20; PS. 82:2; DEUT. 24:17; PROV. 24:23-27; MIC. 3:8-12; LK. 16:10
24/9/2017 LESSON 4
You shall not pervert justice, you shall not show partiality; nor take a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the righteous (Deut. 16:19) NKJV
Sun. 24/9/2017
Be Compassionate In Your Dealings
Deut. 24:14-22
We read this morning about God’s instruction for the Israelites in dealing with their servants. Though these servants are alien to the commonwealth of Israel, they must not be oppressed, overloaded with work or rebuked unnecessarily. The master must be compassionate, he must not keep the wages of his servants. The magistrate and judges are enjoined to be just in their administration. They are compelled not to force the servant to pledge their raiment by defrauding them of their right. The rich are commanded to be kind and not be greedy (vv. 18-22). Christians must care for the good of others. There is always plenty for you and others. Gather what you need and leave the rest for others.
Point of Emphasis: Don’t be greedy, be just in your dealing with others.
Prayer Point: I rebuke the spirit of greediness in my life. Help me Lord, to be just in my dealings.
The church does not consist of Angels but people of different backgrounds who are striving unto perfection. Therefore, conflict do arise. It takes discipline to guide against misbehaviour that can aggravate injustice. There is a need to checkmate misbehaviour in order to prevent situations that can bring reproach to the name of the Lord. This week’s lesson is intended to tutor us on what to do to checkmate misbehaviour or injustice in our midst.
PART 1: GOD HATES INJUSTICE (DEUT. 16:18-20; PS. 82:2; DEUT. 24:17)
The Bible affirmed divine judgment. God is a righteous judge who hates injustice. He has appointed Jesus Christ as the master judge. God is a God of truth who loves justice and has commanded His children to execute judgment (Deut. 32:4; Ps. 37:28; 103:6; Isa. 61:8; Zeph. 3:5; Deut. 16:20). The Lord is without injustice. He abhors injustice. He asked us to love justice and shun unrighteousness. Right from the Bible days, He made use of His servants to stand against injustice. It was God who gave civil magistrate the authority to administer justice (i.e. the judiciary) Rom. 13. But when they act unjustly, believers must remain committed to just judgment and stand for God. When King Darius made unjust decree that people should bow only to his graven idol and that no one should pray to any other God, Daniel recognised the law as unjust. He remained committed to worship the true God (Dan. 6:7-9). Peter and John defied the Sanhedrin (Acts 4) when they were asked not to preach Jesus (and lots more)
Christians are not mandated to speak against the unjust outside only. They are primarily saddled with the responsibility of checkmating misconduct and injustice within themselves and in the church. God commanded that justice must be administered without any compromise because He created value for social order (Deut. 16:18-20). God, the ultimate Judge, warns us to desist from unjust judgement (Ps. 82:2). Individuals should start evaluating himself or herself to see if his or her way of life is in compliance with that before facing the final judgment from God. Also, don’t pervert justice by depriving foreigners and orphans, widows, widowers, the less privileged etc of justice.
In the Bible, God has given us guidelines to help us measure our behaviour to determine if it is good, right, acceptable, pleasing to Him and people or not. The Bible always offers guiding principles that help to know what is right. Committing yourself to the guiding principles of the Bible will help you to guide against misbehaviour and checkmate injustice.
The words of admonition in Prov. 24:23-27 are meant for the wise. They are to be obedient to the rules and regulations in the church and society after establishing that the law is just and meant for social order. It is expected of those in authority to discharge justice without having respect of person (s) in judgment. They are expected to know the truth in order not to pervert justice or do wrong under equity.
The people of God are also expected to show offenders what will be the end of their wickedness and help them to do the right thing. People of integrity must educate others on the fruitlessness of injustice. In the world, it is said that those who speak the truth don’t have many followers. In fact, this should not be the case in the church. The presence of this kind of life is an indication of backsliding. Don’t take side with ungodly people and the money-bags. They are enemies to public order and welfare which they are supposed to advance.
Believers in Christ should take a stand against wickedness and injus-tice not minding whose horse is gored. This measure must be taken according to the leading of the Holy Spirit.
Verse 26 admonishes that judgment should be taken according to the law of equity. Those who follow this rightful way of judgment shall be loved and honoured for their allegiance. Though some understand verse 27 as an advise to young men to prepare very well before getting married in the world. It is rather a general advice for people to have necessary prepara-tions for anything we want to embark upon. Christians should have adequate knowledge about Bible guidelines, church beliefs, doctrines so as to walk worthy, stand against wickedness and checkmate their misbehaviour.
PART 3: INJUSTICE DOESN’T PAY (MIC. 3:8-12; LK. 16:10)
Micah the prophet, by divine power, bodly spoke the word that God gave him. The false prophets who flattered the people in their sins never had courage to deal faithfully with the people. Micah says in verse 8, “But truly I am full of power by the spirit of the LORD, and of justice and might, to declare to Jacob his transgression, and to Israel his sin”. He was indeed a man of wisdom, courage and discretion. These made him zealous to declare God’s message which produced light to the people. He was indeed thoroughly nourished for every good work.
It was the Spirit of God that empowered him to help him to make the declaration. With the Lord’s help, he declared to Jacob his transgression and Israel his sin. Believers must be willing to hear the truth with meekness and must be ready to amend their ways.
They were charged that they built up Zion and Jerusalem with blood and iniquity (verse 10) thinking that they did God and Israel good but they forgot that ‘the wrath of man works not the righteousness of God’ and that doing the work of God with carnal confidence and love of the world, no matter how people applaud, us can never gain divine acceptance.
Injustice and wickedness make God to depart from the congregation of people. Verse 12 spells out the doom awaiting the people; Zion shall be ploughed as a field. This was literally fulfilled when the Romans destroyed Jerusalem.
When the king acts foolishly, the people suffer for it. Christians are kings and queens. Our foolish acts cause the church to suffer. Pretence to build the church through carnal wisdom ruins the church. Injustice doesn’t pay; it is like an ill wind that blows no one any good.
- Why should we checkmate misbehaviour or injustice?
- Why should Christians speak against injustice?
- What is the main work of admonition in Proverbs 24:23-27?
- What is the usefulness of adequate knowledge of the Bible’s guidelines, church beliefs, and doctrine provided for Christians?
- Why doesn’t injustice pay?