#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 25/10/2015
UNIT 3: His Divine Commission, Ministry And Ultimate Glory (Lessons 8-12)
LESSON 8 25/10/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 168, 237
Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 2:1-7
Topic For Adults: Honour Your Call And Commission
Topic For Youths: Be Honest To God About Whom You Are
Topic For Intermediates: Great Is The “I Am That I Am”
Scripture Lesson: Exo. 3:2-6, 7-10, 4:1-17
Memory Verse: “Come now therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt” (Exo. 3:10) NKJV
Sun. 25/10/2015
Moses Equipped To Carry Out Assignment
Exo. 4:1-9
It was not recorded that Moses had performed any miracle or magic prior to this encounter with God. God now equipped him with power to perform miracles. The demonstration of that power started during God’s interaction with Moses – the rod turning into a snake and turning back to a rod; the hand of Moses turning leprous and again restored. These were signs to convince Moses that the power behind him is great, and to convince the incredulous Israelites that God was the one who had sent Moses to deliver them. Before this encounter, the rod in Moses’ hand was just an ordinary rod. With this encounter, the power of God entered the rod. It then became an extra-ordinary rod full of power. Whatever God touches becomes extra-ordinary – filled with power to accomplish wonders.
Point of Emphasis: God needed to turn unbelieving Moses into a vessel filled with His power.
Prayer Point: Father, fill me with Your power that I may become a vessel of honor in Your hand.
Moses provided a wonderful case study on how God calls someone to lead His people. The Hebrews in Egypt seemed to be helpless and completely depended on the mercy of the Egyptians.
While Moses was in Midian, Pharaoh who had been ruling died but the new king continued to rule, oppress the Israelites. They called upon God and their cries of anguish caught God’s attention. He heard them and remembered His covenant with Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, though it seemed the Israelites had developed a slave mentality, having been exhausted from overwork.
God was determined to keep His covenant toward His people. He, therefore, called and commissioned Moses to lead His people out of slavery. This is our point for discussion this week.
The life of Moses was divided into three forties. He spent the first forty as a prince in Pharaoh’s palace, the second as a shepherd in Midian while the third as the leader of the Israelites.
Moses was tending sheep of Reuel, his father-in-law near Mount Horeb best known as Mount Sinai. Despite his formal education and his skill in Egyptian acts, he learnt meekness and contentment. He made best use of the position he found himself.
The angel of the Lord appeared to him in flames of fire in a bush. In the Old Testament, the expression, “the angel of the Lord” is often used to refer to the Lord Himself. This is the case here. It will therefore suffice to say that the Lord appeared to Moses.
The Lord used a unique occurrence to draw Moses’ complete attention. The bush was burning without being consumed. The Lord had a very important message to give His servant and to recognise his importance to the Lord.
When God called Moses, he did not hesitate but responded promptly – “Here I am”. What Moses heard in his infanthood must have been the factor that made him impressed with the way God disclosed Himself to him. He was happy that the one speaking to Him was the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
He received a needful caution from God that prevented him from acting rashly. He also displayed a proper reverence by hiding his face. He saw himself as not fit to look at a Holy God.
Perhaps, the Israelites in their servitude had resigned to ‘FATE’ thinking that God had forgotten them but God told Moses that He had taken cognizance of their sorrow, cry and oppression. The promises of God will never fail because He will not renege on His promises.
God determined to bring them out of the land of poverty and slavery and to bring them into the land of plenty through the leadership of Moses. In verse 10, God did not only send Moses as a prophet to the Israelites but also as His ambassador to Pharaoh to demand the release of His people, God had a bigger plan for Moses and saddled him with the responsibility of confronting Pharaoh and demanding the release of HIs people and finally lead them out of slavery.
Moses viewed the task which God called him to undertake with human intuition. Realistically he saw himself as inadequate for the job.
He protested his lack of qualification for the assignment. He asked “who am I”, judging from his present status. He had moved from a prince of Egyptian’s royal household to a wilderness shepherd. Moreso, he probably remembered the murder crime he committed before fleeing from Egypt. How then could he confront Pharaoh? He felt he was not suitable for the job.
Physically, Moses was not qualified for such a big task. God moves in a mysterious way. God said, “I will be with you”. This pronouncement made Moses suitable for the assignment. He who has promised is able to fulfil His promise.
Other complaints made by Moses are in verses 13 & 14. He was confronted with how he should respond if the Israelites should ask for the name of The God that had sent him? God told him “I am that I am”, which in Hebrew language is “Ebeyeh asher ebeyeh” meaning I am the self-existence God; the eternal, the one who always has been and always will be.
Here we have further complaints made by Moses to God and all the complaints were taken care of by God. The complaints covered by this section were: Exodus 4:1, He entertained the fear of people’s doubt about God’s appearance to Him. Exodus 4:10, he complained that he was not eloquent, and suggested that God should find a better person (v. 13). Moses did not call himself what He was not. He poured out his nakedness before God. But all his excuses were refuted and given solution by God.
A guide x-ray of Moses’ life revealed how God moulded him and made him an effective leader though he was initially reluctant. Moses’ exile in Midian provided him forty years of preparation. He grew enough to be quiet to hear God and be alone with Him. When he met God, he was honest with Him. He was hungry for God. He admitted his shortcomings and was equipped by God.
- Describe the mountain where God appeared to Moses.
- What is fascinating to you about Moses’ response to God’s call?
- What are the dual duties that God gave to Moses in this lesson?
- In your own words, explain the Hebrew words ‘Ebeyeh asher Ebeyeh’.
- Mention Moses’ complaints and how God took care of them.