#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Sun. 2/7/2017
2/7/2017 LESSON 5
Unit 2: Our Virtues (Lessons 5-9)
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 99
Devotional Reading: MATT. 18:23-30
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lesson
EXO. 34:6; LAM. 3:22; LK. 1:68-72; MIC. 6:8; LK. 6:36; PS. 18:25; MATT. 5:7; JAM. 2:13
Let not mercy and truth forsake you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. Prov. 3:3 (NKJV)
Sun. 2/7/2017
Mercy Will Return To You
2 Sam. 9:6-13; Ps. 37:25-26
The life lessons from the relationship between David and Jonathan go deeper than commitment in friendship. Jonathan by divine wisdom had shown mercy by leaking out the schemes of his father, King Saul, to destroy his friend David. This act of kindness did not end with the death of Jonathan; it was repaid to his son Mephibosheth. The children of the godly will not beg for bread is not a mouth say, it is a result of the seeds and investments of righteous parentage. One of the greatest gifts parents can give and investments parents can make for their posterity or seeds in future is that of mercy. Parents should not only teach their children to show kindness, goodness and mercy to others, but must practically teach these virtues by practice for the children to see.
POINT OF EMPHASIS: The godly always give generously and loan to others, and their children are a blessing.
PRAYER POINT: I receive divine understanding to sow the seeds of mercy.
God, in His mercy, thoroughly demonstrated His love towards us by forgiving us our sins. In accordance to what Jesus teaches in the ‘Beatitudes’, our lesson this week centres on what Christians should do to obtain the mercy of God. We must be merciful, be willing to forgive others, full of compassion towards those who are suffering and do something to alleviate their pains. Inability to do these things will block the flow of God’s mercy into our lives. This lesson should prompt us to be merciful in order to be blessed with God’s mercy. Bitterness, resentment and animosity must be done away with in our sojourning here on Earth.
PART 1: GOD’S MERCY FOR MAN (EXO. 34:6; LAM. 3:22; LK.1:68-72)
Man forfeited his right to God’s goodness by choosing to go into sin. God could have justly abandoned man in his fallen state, but He chose to work out a plan of salvation for him. He sent His only begotten Son to die for man’s sin. Before the advent of Jesus, God had sent His prophets to warn man and bring man back to Himself but man went deeper and deeper into sin. Yet God did not decide to destroy man because of His mercy. He did not get fed up with man’s unfaithfulness. He renews His mercy every morning, from one generation to another. God’s mercy is not seen only in salvation plan, but also in how He protects and provides for man, even while still in His fallen state.
God declares Himself as “merciful and gracious, long-suffering, and abounding in goodness and truth”. Mercy is one of His natural attributes. He shows mercy to both believers and unbelievers, to the repentants and the unrepentants as well.
PART 2: BE MERCIFUL (MIC. 6:8; LK. 6:36)
To show mercy means compassion or forgiveness shown towards an enemy or a person in one’s power. Where judgment would have exacted punishment on an offender, mercy prevails so that the offender is allowed to go scot free. Mercy meets the need of another person without considering wether the needy deserves to be helped or not. Of all the activities that a Christian can engage in, being merciful is one of those which God values most. God has demonstrated to man that He is merciful; the Christian has enjoyed His mercy in salvation, protection and provision. That one goes to bed at night and wakes up the following day is largely due to God’s mercy. That one’s needs are met from day to day is also due to His mercy. God demands that the Christian should reciprocate the mercy received by being merciful to fellow men.
List the various areas in which the Christian enjoys God’s mercy. What can a Christian do to show mercy to a perceived enemy? Are there enemies the Christian should not have mercy on? What should guide the Christian in showing mercy in these days when many fraudsters are parading themselves as needies?
Those who show mercy to other people open for themselves the channel to receive mercy from God. God shows Himself merciful to those who show mercy to others. Every man deserves judgment from God, but mercy triumphs over judgment. God forgives the sin of those who show mercy to other people. The servant, who was forgiven by his creditor, but refused to forgive the person who owed him, was rearrested by his creditor and thrown into jail because he did not have mercy on his debtor (Matthew 18:22-35). Anyone who refuses to show mercy to fellow men therefore forfeits access to God’s mercy. God clothes the merciful with everlasting righteousness (Ps. 112:9).
In our contemporary world where iniquities abound, it is becoming difficult to exercise mercy. There are people who have shown mercy but were not appreciated. The Good News this lesson has brought us is that Christians who show mercy, though may not be appreciated by the world shall obtain mercy as affirmed through Jesus’ teaching. This assured promise should inspire us to be merciful to others. At the appropriate time, we shall receive mercy of God.
- What are the lessons to be learnt from God’s mercy toward man despite our sins?
- What does mercy, the natural attribute of God make Him to do?
- What does it mean to show mercy?
- Name the areas Christians have enjoyed God’s mercy.
- What are the merits of showing mercy?
- What are the disadvantages of not showing mercy?