#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Thur. 15/10/2015
LESSON 7 18/10/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 306, 308
Devotional Reading: Acts 7:22-29
Topic For Adults: Use Your Opportunities Wisely
Topic For Youths: Don’t Waste Your Opportunities
Topic For Intermediates: Be Responsible
Scripture Lesson: Exo. 2:16-21, 22; Acts 7:29; Exo. 3:1
Memory Verse: Then Moses was content to live with the man and he gave Zipporah his daughter to Moses, and she bore him a son, he called his name Gershom for he said, “I have been a stranger in a foreign land” (Exo. 2:21-22) NKJV
Thur. 15/10/2015
Go The Extra Mile For Your Family
1 Sam. 30:3-10, 17-20
In our text this morning, we saw how David’s family member was taken captive. David did not leave them to their fate. He took a step of faith to rescue them from their predicament. In verse 8, he made enquiry from the Lord on what to do. He received a response which he acted upon promptly and there was a positive result. Likewise, we must not ignore the plight of our family but take actions which are in line with the word of God to free our family from every entanglement.
Point of Emphasis: You must be courageous to defend the godly course of your family.
Prayer Point: Strengthen me, oh Lord, to pursue, overtake and poses victory for my family.
JEUDI 15/10/2015
1 SAMUEL 30:3-10; 17-20
Ce matin dans notre texte, nous avons vu comment un membre de la famille de David fut amené en captivité. David ne les a pas abandonnés à leur sort. Il fit le pas de foi pour les sauver de leur problème. Au verset 8, il s’enquit de l’Eternel à savoir que faire. Il reçut une réponse sur laquelle il agit promptement et il y eut un résultat positif. Nous ne devons pas également ignorer la situation critique de notre famille mais devons agir conformément à la parole de Dieu pour libérer notre famille de tout imbroglio.
Point essentiel : Tu dois être courageux pour défendre la cause pieuse de ta famille.
Axe de prière : Fortifie-moi, O Seigneur, pour poursuivre, pour atteindre et pour remporter la victoire pour ma famille.