#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Wed. 21/10/2015


UNIT 3: His Divine Commission, Ministry And Ultimate Glory (Lessons 8-12)

LESSON 8                     25/10/2015


Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 168, 237

Devotional Reading: 1 Pet. 2:1-7

Topic For Adults: Honour Your Call And Commission

Topic For Youths: Be Honest To God About Whom You Are

Topic For Intermediates: Great Is The “I Am That I Am”

Scripture Lesson: Exo. 3:2-6, 7-10, 4:1-17

Memory Verse:           “Come now therefore, and I will send you to Pharaoh that you may bring my people, the children of Israel, out of Egypt” (Exo. 3:10) NKJV


Wed. 21/10/2015

Moses’ Reluctance To Go

Exo. 3:11-15

Moses was more concerned about the challenges he would face should he accept the call than the privilege of being an instrument in God’s hand for this great work. The first crucial question is “who am I?” The question expresses a feeling of not being up to the task – who am I to face mighty Pharaoh having killed one of his people; who am I to tell the Israelites about the God I know very little about; who am I to force myself on the people when I was rejected at the first attempt; etc. Before God calls a person to work for Him, He already knows the persons weaknesses and inabilities. He knows the limitations of those who He calls. In fact, He does not call people because they are capable or powerful enough to accomplish His purpose. Rather, He calls the weak so that they may depend on His strength. He uses those that are incapable so that they may depend on His limitless capability.

Point of Emphasis:      God already knew Moses’ feeling of insecurity, but wanted him to depend on His power.

Prayer Point:               Use me, oh God, for Your great work in spite of my weaknesses and feeling of inadequacy.

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