#GOFAMINTDailyDevotion Wed. 28/10/2015
LESSON 9 1/11/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 240, 242
Devotional Reading: Exodus 7:1-7
Topic For Intermediates: Put Your Trust In God Alone
Topic For Adults: Let God Lead And You Follow
Topic For Youths: Lean Not On Your Understanding
Scripture Lesson: Exodus 4:18-23,27-31; 14:1-30
Memory Verse: “And the Lord said to Moses, “when you go back to Egypt, see that you do all these wonders before Pharaoh which I have put in your hand. But I will harden his heart, so that he will not let the people go” (Exo. 4:21) NKJV
Wed. 28/10/2015
Aaron’s Rod Became The Rod Of God
Exo. 7:8-13
Many are afraid to go into the ministry because they see themselves as ordinary people who do not have the wherewithal to succeed in the ministry. But what God is looking for is your readiness to do His work and He will go to any extent to prove Himself mighty on your behalf. Aaron had been using his rod just to direct animals. Little did he know that the rod will be used by God to wrought signs and wonders in Egypt. You should know that if you surrender to God’s use, He will make you and all that you have to become wonders. When Aaron’s rod became serpent, it swallowed all the other rods of Egyptian magicians and yet it did not become bigger. Just say “yes” to God and He will turn you and all you have into objects of miracles.
Point of Emphasis: All the members of my family and I are for signs and wonders.
Prayer Point: Lord, use my life and all that I have for Your glory.