Sun. 21/9/2014
Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Life Foundation
Unit 1 Theme: Knowing The Foundation Doctrines (Lessons 1-5)
Sunday 21/9/ 2014
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 168, 190
Devotional Reading: EPH. 2:8-13
Topic For Adults
Topic For Youths
Topic For Intermediates
Scripture Lessons
Gen. 49:18; Ps. 37:40; Matt. 1:21; Rom. 3:23; 6:23A; Heb. 2:3; 5:9; 9:27; Jn. 14:6
Memory Verse:
… And you shall call His name Jesus, for He will save His people from their sins (Matt. 1:21) NKJV.
Sun. 21/9/2014
Today Is The Day of Your Salvation
2 Cor. 6:1-2
Everyone has his or her own day of salvation. This is the reason why an hundred people may be preached to and only four people may be truly saved at a gathering. For those who have been saved, we congratulate you because you will not be caught unawares. But for those who are yet to be saved, those who are postponing the day of their salvation by asking God to give them more time to enjoy and indulge in sin or to pursue their dream, today is the acceptable time and day for your salvation. Harden not your heart to this call of salvation. Surrender your life to God and become a bona fide member of God’s family. We congratulate you as you take this important step today.
Point of Emphasis: Today is the day of your salvation, tomorrow may be too late.
Prayer Point: I surrender all of my life to You my blessed Saviour today.
ll men have sinned and have fallen out of favour with God. They have fallen from God’s grace and wonderful plan for them. They are also helpless in addressing the situation. However, God made a plan of restoring man back into fellowship with Him and into His original plan for man. Anyone that accepts this plan of God shall be saved from being an enemy of God to become His friend. This week’s lesson deals with the meaning and means of salvation.
- THE MEANING OF SALVATION: GEN. 49:18; PS. 37:40; MATT. 1:21
The Hebrew word “YESHUAH” translated salvation, means “made whole” or “made sufficient”. That which is wide connotes freedom from distress and the ability to pursue one’s own objectives. To move from distress to safety requires deliverance, which must come, generally, from somewhere outside the party oppressed. To this extent, salvation also means deliverance. In the Old Testament, the kind of distress, both national and individual, include enemies, natural catastrophes such as plague, famine and sickness. Generally, in the Old Testament, the word has strong religious meaning, for it was Yahweh who wrought the deliverance. Thus, He is known as the “God of our salvation” (Ps. 68:19). The word salvation first appeared in Gen. 49:18, when Jacob interjected a request for deliverance by the Lord while prophesying what would become of his children in latter times. Apart from deliverance from troubles, Yahweh also saves by granting forgiveness of sins, answers to prayer, joy and peace (Ps. 79:9; 69:13). Also, the Old Testament prophecies centre upon One who was to come as the bringer of salvation (Isa. 9:6-7; 11; Jer. 23:5-6; Hagg. 2:9 etc).
In the New Testament, salvation is regarded exclusively as deliverance from the power, dominion and the penalties of sin (Rom. 6:23) through the Lord Jesus (Matt. 1:21). This means, a sinner is under the yoke and bondage of the Devil needs deliverance.
Having known the meaning of salvation, one can now understand why salvation is necessary. The Bible is replete with the reasons why man needs salvation. In our previous lessons, it has been clearly stated that ALL men that come into this world have sinned and have fallen short of the glory of God. There is no one that is righteous, no, not one. This sin has made man to become an enemy of God, for man is seen as wicked. As a result of this, what awaits man is death and eternal separation from God. The Bible says the wages of sin is death (Rom. 6:23) and the soul that sins shall die (Ezek. 18:20).
There is no peace for the sinner and a sinner is eternally lost and hopeless without being saved. This is the reason why salvation is necessary for everyone who wants to be delivered from sin and its consequences and be restored into a loving relationship with God. Salvation is necessary for man to escape damnation at God’s judgment. The Bible says, it is appointed unto man to die once, after which judgment follows (Heb. 9:27). Whether we like it or not, everyone shall appear before the judgment seat of Christ to be judged by Christ (2 Cor. 5:10). When this happens, only those who have been saved will escape God’s wrath but those who despise God’s salvation shall be eternally damned. So salvation is necessary to be able to escape God’s wrath both in this world and in eternity.
Many people are seeking many means to get salvation. Some are even saying that just as there are many routes to a market, there are also many ways to get to God and that the various religions in the world are those ways. However, this is human philosophy.
Right from the Old Testament, God has been speaking to the people through various prophets that someone would come who would be the Messiah and Saviour approved by Him. Eventually, Jesus Christ, whom many have prophesied about ever before His birth was born. He was named Jesus, which means Saviour. He suffered, was crucified on the cross, died, was buried and resurrected on the third day for humanity to be saved. He died a vicarious death, meaning that He took upon Himself the death and penalties of sin that a sinner should suffer. Thereby He became the author of eternal salvation.
What a sinner needs to do to be able to access this salvation is faith in Jesus and His offer of salvation. Salvation is wholly by grace. It is not of self (Eph. 2:8), it is not of works (Eph. 2:9), and it is not by keeping any law (Gal. 3:11). Salvation is obtained through faith in the atoning work of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ (Col. 2:12; Tit. 2:11-14)
The salvation Jesus offers covers both the spiritual and physical aspects of man. A sinner is delivered from the power and penalties of sin and also delivered from the power of the Devil, the flesh, sickness and given power to overcome all challenges of life. Above all, salvation makes the saved to escape eternal damnation. Sinners should not allow Jesus’ offer of salvation to pass them by.
- What is the Hebrew term for salvation?
- Give two definitions of salvation that appeal to you.
- Why is salvation necessary?
- Who is the author of eternal salvation?
- How can a sinner access salvation in Jesus?
DIMANCHE 21/09/2014
2CO. 6 :1-2
Chacun a son jour du salut à lui. C’est la raison pour laquelle on peut prêcher à une centaine de gens dans un rassemblement et que seulement quatre parmi eux parviennent à être évidemment sauvés. Pour ceux qui ont été sauvés, nous vous félicitons car vous ne serez pas pris au dépourvu. Mais pour ceux-là qui n’ont pas encore été sauvés, ceux-là qui reportent le jour de leur salut en demandant à Dieu de leur donner encore assez de temps pour jouir et flirter avec le péché ou de poursuivre leurs rêves, voici maintenant le temps favorable et le jour de votre salut. N’endurcissez pas votre cœur à cet appel au salut. Soumets ta vie à Dieu et deviens ainsi membre authentique de la famille de Dieu. Nous te félicitons comme tu fais ce pas important aujourd’hui.
Point essentiel : Aujourd’hui marque le jour de ton salut, demain pourrait être trop tard.
Axe de prière : Aujourd’hui, je te confie toute ma vie, mon Sauveur béni !