Sun. 25/1/2015

Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Spiritual Maturity

Unit 2 Theme: Practicing Spiritual Maturity Essentials (Lessons 4-9)

Quarter’s Theme: Discovering Spiritual Maturity

Unit 2 Theme: Practicing Spiritual Maturity Essentials (Lessons 4-9)

Sunday 25/1/ 2015



Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 223, 340

Devotional Reading: 2 CHRO. 29:31-36

Topic For Adults


Topic For Youths


Topic For Intermediates


Scripture Lessons

JN 3:16; MATT. 6:21; 1 TIM. 4:12-16; 6:17-19; PROV. 3:5,9-10; LK. 6:38; DEUT. 8:18; MAL. 3:8-10; 4:6-12; GAL. 6:6; 2 COR. 8:5;


Memory Verse:

“Honour the Lord with your possessions and with the first-fruits of all your increases, so your barns will be filled with plenty and your vats will overflow with new wine

(Prov. 3:9-10) NKJV.



Sun. 25/1/2015

Why Should I Give?

1 Tim. 6:9-19

God gave His Son because He loves man; giving to His work and to others develops the God-like character in us. All around us people think of themselves alone and how much they can acquire. Giving weans one from the tendency to be materialistic and selfish. Sacrificial giving makes us depend more and more on God, the never-failing source of all resources. By giving we acknowledge that all we have come from God and that He will give more. It, therefore, strengthens our faith. Giving is also an investment that cannot depreciate in value or be stolen from us. Sometimes we reap the reward here on earth and sometimes the reward is given in eternity. Those who give to the needy indeed lend to their maker and will be repaid in multiple folds. Joyous and giving willingly brings more joy to the giver as he sees lives being transformed and blessed through his giving.

Point of Emphasis:        It is more blessed to give than to receive.

Prayer Point:            Father, bless me to the extent that I become a blessing to others around me.


Giving is a crucial obligation that a Christian must understand and practise in a
biblical way. It remains our focal point of Christians stewardship responsibility
that shows part of our spiritual maturity. This lesson is meant to straighten out our altitude toward our possession so that we can be faithful in our giving since all we have belong to God.


I. WHY DOES THE CHRISTIAN GIVE? JN. 3:16; MATT. 6:21; 1 TIM. 6:17-19; PROV. 3:5-9; LK. 6:38

“If a man gets his attitude toward money straightened out, then almost all others areas of his life will be straightened out” (Billy Graham). Some find it difficult to give because: (1) They do not surrender completely to the Lordship of Christ (2) They are ignorance of God’s way (3) They have evil heart of unbelief in God’s promises and judgment etc.

2 Cor. 8:7 admonishes us to excel in the grace of giving just as we excel in everything else. In view of this, we must know why God wants us to give. God is a giver, He wants us to become like Him. The word “give” is used 2126 times in the Bible. These are the benefits why we should give:

(i)        Giving makes us to be more like God. He gave us His only begotten Son through His love. This shows that we are the most loving people in the world, we must, therefore, be the most giving people (Jn. 3:16).

(ii)       We are drawn closer to God; (Matt. 6:21) where our treasure is our heart. This indicate that anytime we give back to God, we are drawing closer to Him.

(iii)      Giving is the antidote to materialism (1 Tim. 6:17-19). The only way to know if we have victory over materialism is if we can part with what we have.

(iv)     It strengthens our faith: The way to prove our trust and faith in God is to give back part of our income to Him (Lk. 6:38; Prov. 3:5,9).

(v)      We are blessed in return. The Bible says that a generous man will be blessed (Prov. 22:9; 11:25; Ps. 112:5).

(vi)     Giving is an investment in eternity: When we give to those in need and ready to share what He gave us, then we are laying treasure in heaven (1 Tim. 6:18-19).

(vii)    It gives us happiness since there is more happiness in giving than in receiving (Acts 20:35).

(viii)   It enhances our spiritual growth (Acts 4:32). There is a strong connection between our true spiritual condition and our attitude toward our possession.


We should have the understanding that our financial blessings come from God. It is God who gives us power to get wealth (Deut. 8:18). In view of this, we should know that there are different areas of the covenant in our stewardship namely:

  • Covenant of tithing: Gen. 14:20; Heb. 7:2,6; Lev. 27:30; Deut. 14:23; Mal. 3:8-10; Num. 18:25; Matt. 23:23.
  • Covenant of offering: Mal. 3:8-10; 2 Cor. 9:7; 8:11-13; 1 Cor. 16:1-2.
  • Covenant of priestly offering: Ezek. 44:30; 1 Cor. 9:14; Gal. 6:6.
  • Covenant of project offering: Hagg. 1:3-12; Exo. 35:2-7.
  • Covenant of needy or kindness offering: Deut. 15:11-15; Matt. 6:1-4; 26:11; Lk. 12:33.
  • Covenant of family offering: 1 Tim. 5:18.
  • Covenant of parental offering: Exo. 20:13.

We should be responsive to fulfilling our obligation in respect of the above named covenants.

III.   TITHING: WHY SHOULD I PAY?: MAL. 4:6-12; PROV. 3:9-10

Tithe means giving ten percent – one tenth of your income to God. It has been observed that some Christians are giving less than what God requires and while some are not paying at all. There are nine reasons from the Bible why you should pay tithes and pay them accurately.

1)    God commanded it (Lev. 27:30). The one-tenth of all our produce is the Lord’s

2)    Jesus commended it (Matt. 23:23). Jesus commended the Pharisees in their giving but cautioned them not to leave the more important thing for the other.

3)    It demonstrates that God has the first place in our lives (Deut. 14:23).

4)    It reminds us that everything we have is given to us by God (Deut. 8:18).

5)    It is an expression of our love for God’s goodness (Ps. 116:12; Deut. 16:17).

6)    It shows we are not robbing or stealing from God: our inability to pay tithe accurately shows that we are robbing God (Mal. 3:8-10).

7)    God challenges us to test Him if He will not open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that we won’t have enough room for it.

8)    It stores up treasure in heaven for us which brings permanent satisfaction and reward (Matt. 6:19-20).

Please note that our tithe should be based on our gross earnings and should be paid to where we worship. This could be paid weekly, fortnightly or monthly. We must give it willingly, cheerfully, sacrificially, expectantly and with understanding (1 Cor. 9:7a; 2 Cor. 8:3-4; 9:6-7; 1 Chro. 29:10-14).


        2 COR. 8:5; 1 TIM. 4:12-16

Other things will fall in places and you will find it easy to do if you give yourself to God first in accordance to His will. Embrace the guidelines for serving Christ as entrenched in the Bible, statement of purpose, stepping stone for GOFAMINT members and the doctrine of the Church, then you will maintain a standard that distinguishes you as a Christian worthy of special honour.


Read Biblical examples about giving back to God in Deuteronomy 12, Leviticus 27; Malachi 3 and Matthew 6. Make a commitment to tithe, trusting in God to guide and bless you. Make sure you put God first in your life and finance. Surrender all to God, it will amaze you how God will prosper your life.


  1. What is Biblical giving?
  2. Name some reasons why Christian should give.
  3. Mention different areas of the covenant of our stewardship.
  4. What, how and where should we tithe?
  5. Why should you give yourself first to the Lord?



DIMANCHE 25/01/2015


1TIM. 6 :9-19

Dieu donna son fils unique à cause de son amour pour l’homme. Donner à ses œuvres et aux autres développe en nous un caractère pieux. Tout autour de nous, les gens pensent uniquement à eux-mêmes et au montant qu’ils peuvent acquérir. Donner nous sèvre de la tendance à être matérialistes et égoïstes. Donner de façon sacrificielle nous fait dépendre de plus en plus de Dieu, la source intarissable de toutes ressources. En donnant, nous reconnaissons que tout ce que nous avons vient de Dieu et qu’il en donnera de plus. Il fortifie donc notre foi. Donner est aussi un investissement qui ne peut pas déprécier en valeur ou nous être volé. Nous moissonnons souvent la récompense ici-bas et la récompense est souvent attribuée dans l’éternité. Ceux qui donnent aux indigents prêtent à coup sûr à leur créateur et seront payés en retour en centuples. Donner libéralement et avec joie apporte plus de joie à celui qui donne comme il contemple les vies qui sont transformées et bénies par ses dons.

Point essentiel : Il y a plus de bonheur à donner qu’à recevoir.

Axe de prière : Père, bénis-moi au point de devenir une bénédiction aux gens autour de moi.

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