There is a Prophecy on Your life! Copy

 There is a Prophecy on Your life!  Copy

There is a Prophecy on Your life!

Jeremiah 1:5
There is an ordination upon your life. What is Prophecy?
  • What is written in the archives of eternity before time about you
  • Where God said you will go
  • What God said you will do
  • What God said you will have
  • Who God said you will meet.
  • Who God said you will become.
  • Zechariah 9:9-10. Imagine that this prophecy about Jesus was spoken hundreds of years before Christ. Zechariah didn’t manufacture it. He only reported what he saw in the archives of eternity. This prophecy was fulfilled in Luke 19:29-40.
  • Just as every detail about Christ was predetermined, so is your life. Everything about your life is detailed. That’s what is known as prophecy.
  • This prophecy includes where you will be born and live on earth, Mt.2:23:4:13. Who you will meet; what you must do; the things you will do and accomplish; the challenges you will face; the battles you will fight and the day you will die and leave this world.
  • So in heaven there is a book about your life. 2019 is a chapter in that book.
  • All these things are written about you in the archives of heaven.
  • That’s why when I meet people, I’m trying to know if they’re in my book. And what their roles will be.
  • Are you aware of what is written in your book?
Are you fulfilling all that is written in your book?
How much of your prophecy were fulfilled last year and how much has been fulfilled this year?
Ask these questions;
  • Did I go everywhere they wrote that I will go
  • Did I have everything God said I will have
  • Did I meet everyone God said I will meet
  • Did I do everything God said I will do
5 Steps in Fulfilling Your Prophecy
  1. The book must be opened. Until the book is opened you won’t know what’s written therein. Life will be a guesswork. Lk.4:16-21. Satan’s greatest tool is blindfolds.
  2. Follow Holy Spirit. Fellowship with him. Minister to him, and then the book will open. Acts 13:1-2. The more you become a worshipper, the more you gain access to your book. Is.30:29-30. You can know your book so well that you can even know the time you will die. He is the One behind the opening of the Book. Ask Holy Spirit to come on you. 1Cor.2:9-10. By following Holy Spirit, you will make the right moves, to meet the right people according to your prophecy. Lk.2:25-27. May all your moves in 2019 be by the Spirit.
  3. Holy Spirit knows the crisscrossing of the spirit realm where angels are waiting and where blessings are positioned for you.
  4. Prayerfulness. Prayer aligns you with your prophecy. It opens the book to you and also helps you to resist the moves of hell. Prayer helps you to fulfill your prophecies. 1Thess.5:17. Luke 6:12-16. Jesus prayed all night because he wanted to see what was in the book. Whatever is in your prophecy is already blessed and approved by God because that’s his will. Today, many make choices and ask God to bless it. That’s why many aren’t blessed. How did Jesus know where to base his ministry? How did he know the disciples to choose? Mt.4:13-25. This is also why you speak and pray in tongues so that every detail about your life is working according to the book written of you in heaven. Romans 8:26-28.
  5. War for your prophecy. Usually, the main thing that satan is fighting in your life is your prophecy. 1Tim.1:18. If you don’t fight for your prophecy, you may find your life going in the opposite direction of the prophecy. God may say that you are to be a billionaire. However you may see your life steeping in lack. God may have a great future for you and maybe you even know it, however you are down with sickness. And the sickness is a threat to your prophecy. It doesn’t matter how many prophets call you out and give you a prophetic word, you must war for it.
How do you fight?
  • With your song. 2Chr.20:22
  • With your sword. Ephesians 6:17. You make dangerous declarations based on God’s word. Turn the word into a sword
  • With your seed. Sow seeds and make sacrifices for your prophecy.

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