Thur. 5/6/2014
Thur. 5/6/2014
Spiritually Compromised Church Rev. 2:12-17
The spiritually compromised Church is a Church that has been polluted spiritually. Though the Church at Pergamos held fast to the name of Jesus and did not deny the faith in the face of serious persecution, yet it became compromised because it allowed in her midst those that held on to false doctrine and impure lifestyles. A Church that connives at sin in the lives of her members is spiritually polluted. Even though not all members of the Church follow the defective or false doctrine, the whole church is implicated and is rebuked for allowing such to continue. If the Church is fully on fire for God, sin will not find a hiding place, sinners will not feel comfortable and agents of darkness will not be able to operate. The compromised Church needs revival urgently to avoid judgment.
Point of Emphasis: The Church needs the Holy Spirit fire to keep out all forms of pollution.
Prayer Point: Holy Spirit fire, come and consume every form of pollution in our Church.