#VictoryMonth DAY 14: SUNDAY, 15TH JANUARY, 2017

TextS: Nehemiah 10:35-37, 13:31, Prov 3:9.
Insight FOR effective and fervent Prayers
Many Christian, struggle with giving. They fail to see that giving to the Lord is a matter of faith and that God always honours one’s faith. If a believer overcomes the problem he has with giving, he makes a great leap forward in spirituality and His relationship with the Lord. God instructed Moses to expose the secret of overwhelming blessings to His chosen Nation of Israel. Moses obeyed God by stating the conditions preceding to man enjoying God’s overwhelming blessings. In the Books of Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy, Moses stated the significance of FIRSTFRUITS OFFERING, in not less than thirteen (13) occasions.
Exodus 23:19 stipulates strict obedience to giving of FIRSTFRUIT OFFERING. He repeated this again in Exodus 34:26. To remove any ambiguity on the significance of FIRSTFRUIT, God expressly instructed Moses again in Leviticus 23:10 that the euphoria of victory and celebration of wonderful accomplishment must not be allowed to obliterate compliance with His instruction on FIRSTFRUIT OFFERING.
The Biblical principle of first fruits can be summed up like this: The first fruits set a pattern for the ones who follow. The principle of first fruits has been ultimately fulfilled in Jesus’ arrival, His sacrificial death, and His resurrection and ascension to heaven. Jesus is the first fruit of the earth that God received of the harvest of sons and daughters still to come (that’s you and I). Jesus is the very Son of God – He is with God and He is God. Jesus is God in the flesh. So, now that we have our cornerstone of doctrine hammered out, let’s talk about the principle of first fruits, keeping in mind the context.
It was what Abraham gave that broke through into great blessings! (Gen. 22:15-17). Our Lord Jesus said, Abraham rejoiced to see my day and… was glad (John 8:56). If we are truly children of Abraham, let us do what Abraham did.
In the New Testament, because the Bible says ‘Seek ye first the Kingdom of God…..and all these things shall be added’ (Matt. 6:33), it therefore follows that the principle of First Fruits provides the foundation and structure for God’s blessing in our lives. ‘Seek’ by implication means, ‘worship’. We worship God with our offerings in addition to our lives.
Remember, January is the First month of the year. Elijah said, ‘Do mine own first’ . Our Lord Jesus Christ offered Himself as Firstfruit (I Cor. 15:23). Finally we believers are a kind of His firstfruits. (James 1:18, Rev 14:4). Should it therefore be a new thing for us if we are to offer unto God our firstfruit in this year 2017? It is a honour God deserves. Furthermore, in as much as it is a corporate decision of our church, through the vision of our leaders, use it in financing our Gospel City at Ogunmakin, the new International Convention Ground where our ‘Ark of Covenant’ will rest, obedience to it will lead to our blessing.
The Rewards of First Fruits
- Divine Guidance, as noticed in Israel, after offering their firstfruits. (Exod. 13:21)
- Divine Protection – Touch not mine anointed. (Psalms 105:12-14)
- Divine Supplies –Their clothes never wax old (Deut. 29:5). Also, in the time of the Apostles, there was none that lacked (Acts 4:34).
Now, here may be your key to that need, that abundance, that more than enough that you had been asking from the Lord all these years. The Lord has opened the opportunity prophetically for you through our prophet and angel of this church, Pastor (Dr.) Elijah O. Abina. He said, after this exercise, we enter into THE ERA OF NO MORE LACK IN GOFAMINT as in Acts 4:34. ‘Believe His prophets, you shall prosper’ (2 Chro. 20:20)
- My Father, I have given, let it be given back to me, according to Your word, in Luke 6:38, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, we receive the grace of faithfulness and willingness on the part of all of us to the first-fruit offering this month in Jesus name.
- Lord, through this January offering of sacrifice, take us to a new level of giving this year and beyond that will lead us into unprecedented breakthrough and sowing to God’s work and His people.
- Lord, as we begin to take You first with our firstfruits, let us receive Your favour of being so treated by You in all our undertakings.
- Father, open the windows of heaven for me before this year ends, in the name of Jesus.
- LORD of hosts, Arise and rebuke the devourer for me, in the name of Jesus.
- Father, I commit the work of my hands to You, bless it and let Your name be glorified in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, remember all my offerings in this time of need, undertake for me in Jesus name.
- Any power put in place to supervise and confirm failure in my life, be destroyed without repairs in the name of Jesus.
- Evil decree or curse over my life, spiritually, physically, financially, matrimonially and educationally, I break you in the name of Jesus.
- Anything in me, around me and within me, contesting with the presence of Holy Spirit, are you still alive? Die and perish in the name of Jesus.
- Spirit of the Living God, arise and take me to my place of blessing now, in Jesus name.
- Father, whatever may be the weapon of the enemy to steal, kill and destroy me, paralyse them in Jesus name.
- Father, connect, correct and direct my helpers to me anywhere they may be, in the name of Jesus.
- Power to succeed in life, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
- Power to see and discern, come upon me, in the name of Jesus.
- Power to overcome, fall upon me now, in the name of Jesus.
- Lord, I connect with the prophecy of ‘no more lack in GOFAMINT’ as I sow my firstfruits in obedience this month.
- Let us pray for our new International Camp ground, that with this seed being faithfully sown, it shall be built, and the Lord’s presence will be there with us to bless us mightily in the coming Convention of August this year.
- Begin to bless God for counting you worthy to be a partaker of this glorious commission.