#VictoryMonth Day 15: Monday, 16th January 2017

Day 15: Monday, 16th January 2017
TextS: 1 Samuel 2:6-10, PsalmS 40:1-6
One experience common to majority of the world’s inhabitants today is the inability to do what one wants to do. Not many people can comfortably do what their hearts desire to do. Majority are therefore powerless and helpless to attain the height they desire and aspire to attain. This manifests in the areas of marriage, education, employment, finance, productivity, promotion, success, health etc.
A lot of people look to some other individuals to come to their aid, but such aids are not forth-coming. It’s disappointment galore. Many that would have helped have no power to help, while few people who have the ability to help are not willing to render the desired help. Many believers also find themselves in this hopeless and hopeless situations.
The good news however is that there is help for the helpless, hope for the hopeless and power to the powerless. In fact, that is the essence of our belief. Psalms 46:1 says, “God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble”. With our faith in God through Christ, He gives power to the powerless, help to the helpless and hope to the hopeless in order to do what they could not do ordinarily. That is why the word of God says, “I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me” (Philippians 4:13). If you continue to search for man to help you, you may stay long in your frustration, because there are not much of such helpers on earth. On the other hand, there are enough and sufficient power in God, meant to help you. God combines power and the willingness to help you. You need not continue searching for help where there is none.
Hannah, whose story, prayer and testimony reflected in today’s Bible passage was a good example. She needed child, but it was not forth-coming. Her life became an object of ridicule by her rival. She went to Shiloh by faith and determination, not just for formality, she enacted her faith in fervent prayers. Her prayers were answered, heaven opened upon her, she did what she could not do before, she got pregnant and consequently gave birth to a bouncy baby boy, named Samuel. Whatever good thing which each of us wanted to do before, but we could not do, due to our limitations, we begin to do those things by the power of the almighty God from today in Jesus name. We are going to pray to the same God whom Hannah prayed. His power will be released and unleashed upon us for unprecedented miracles in Jesus name.
We are figuratively in Shiloh in our prayers today and the God of Shiloh, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will grant us audience and meet with us individually at the point of our needs today in Jesus name.
- Dear Father, we come to Your presence today in the name of Jesus Christ, please accept us in Jesus name.
- Whatever inadequacies that would make us unworthy to be in Your presence, let the blood of Jesus cleanse them in Jesus name.
- Give us open heaven today, let the power and the glory of heaven overshadow and overwhelm us in Jesus name.
- Each of us place ourselves in the place of Hannah and pray, dear Lord, meet our needs and solve our problems. (Each person to mention his or her needs before the Lord)
- The same way that Hannah dedicated the miracle child to the glory and the service of God, we, also dedicate our miracles to be and our entire lives to Your glory and service in Jesus name.
- Grant me the grace to meet Your urgent desire as Hannah decided to meet her’s by dedicating Samuel to Your service oh dear Lord.
- Whatever may want to serve as obstacle like Eli to Hannah on my way to my miracles, deal with them and stop them in Jesus name.
- Turn all obstacles on my way to stepping stones in Jesus name.
- Release Your power upon me and let me begin what I cannot do before, spiritually, naturally, ministerially and financially in Jesus name.
- It is my turn to receive miracles from You, grant it to me today, oh dear Lord.
- The same way that Hannah’s sorrow was turned to joy, turn my own sorrow to joy oh dear Father.
- Turn situations around to favor me, oh dear Father in Jesus name.
- Confessions: I receive divine power to prosper in life in Jesus name; I receive the power of God to begin to do what I cannot do before in Jesus name; I receive the wings of eagle to fly to higher and fulfil destiny; I receive the anointing to be the head, not tails; I receive the anointing for multiplication of good things of life; I receive the power to overcome all enemies and never be overcome by the enemy; I receive the transformational anointing in all ramifications of my life in Jesus name.