#VictoryMonth Day 28: SUNDAY 29th January 2017

 #VictoryMonth Day 28:  SUNDAY 29th January 2017

Day 28:  SUNDAY 29th January 2017


Text: Genesis 3:1-21



The Family was the first and the oldest institution on earth as ordained by God. It was one of the best things that has happened in the affairs of lives of men from the beginning of creation till date. It is amazing to see that up-till-date, marriage has remained relevant, admirable and glorious in the lives of men and women despite the domestic and social problems turbulence associated with it.

Going through our Bible text for the today, you would discover that the presence of the third person (serpent or Satan) in Adam and Eve’s house was  the cause and the beginning of their woes. He devastated and turned that great home upside down. This same dangerous visitor has continued to visit every home to cause trouble up till date. The only way of escape is to say no to Satan. Jesus said, the prince of this world came, but has nothing in me. Many homes are under severe pains today as a result of the onslaught of Satan, Christian homes inclusive.

The followings are the entrance doors through which Satan could be  disallowed to gain entrance into our homes.

  1. Giving our lives to Jesus (Acts 16:31). When this is done by the major stake holders in the home i.e. the husband and the wife, Jesus automatically becomes the head of that family. Then, Satan knows without being told that the scope of  his operations in such a family is limited.
  2. Knowing the word of God (Psalms 119:9-11). The word of God has the code of conduct for believers’ actions and activities. This includes husband’s duties to the wife and the wife’s duties to the husband. Knowing these and being committed to it goes a long way in saying no to the devil in your homes.
  3. Praying together (1Cor. 7:5). It is mandatory for Christian couples to pray together and remain united in spirit and body; in order to defeat Satan with his antics.

      Our duty as the Church of the living God today is to raise up the standard and fight against the enemy of good homes on behalf of all attacked and affected homes and obtain victory for them in Jesus name. Many in these homes are separated, others are only enduring instead of enjoying one another. Some are actually bleeding and crying. They all need divine intervention which will come through our prayers.


  1. Thank You Father for the establishment of family institution for the welfare of human beings on earth.
  2. We appreciate You Lord, for the sweet homes of many of our brothers and sisters in this Church which is the fruit of Your grace.
  3. Help our youths, dear Father, not to fall into the error of being unequally yoked with unbelievers in marriage in Jesus name.
  4. Give understanding to our youths to know that unbelievers are under Satanic siege, while the believers have been translated from the kingdom of darkness to light.
  5. For those who have fallen into the trap of deliberately marrying an unbeliever and are now suffering; Lord, set them free.
  6. For as many homes in Gofamint that are on fire as a result of Satanic operations, dear Lord, send deliverance and peace to those homes in Jesus name.
  7. We raise up the standard of the Holy Spirit against the floods of turbulence in every GOFAMINT member’s home and we command them to disappear in Jesus name.
  8. Grant all married couples in GOFAMINT the spirit of understanding of the will of God for their homes that they may show forth your glory in Jesus name.
  9. Heal all ailing and aching homes and bind together the broken ones in our midst in Jesus name.
  10. We command Satan out of every GOFAMINT family and stop all his operations in Jesus name.
  11. We bind and cast out the spirit of separation and divorce in the lives of our ministers and members in Jesus name.
  12. Dear Lord, return the captivity of all homes under any forms of demonic bondage or influence; especially all stolen away husbands and wives in Jesus name.
  13. Let there be divine restoration of all good and needful things of life that are missing in every home in Jesus name.
  14. Help all husbands and wives in our midst to love, embrace and accept one another unconditionally, no matter their personal differences.
  15. Let Your joy becomes the portion of every home and family of Gofamint, in Jesus name.
  16. Supply sufficient grace of love in all our families and assemblies in Jesus name.
  17. Help our family ministry Department to help many homes to achieve peace where there is none, oh Lord.
  18. Help us to abide by our marriage conduct guideline for our own benefit in Jesus name.
  19. Make all marriages in GOFAMINT fruitful, oh Lord.


GOFAMINT Australia