#VictoryMonth DAY 30: TUESDAY, 31ST JANUARY 2017

 #VictoryMonth  DAY 30:  TUESDAY, 31ST JANUARY 2017



TEXTS: ACTS.4:33, 26:22, LUKE15:19-31



We  need Great Grace to finish the journey of life well. The journey of life is a two-fold journey: the minor and major journey. Many saints are only running the minor journey. The eternal dimensions of the journey of life are greatly neglected. Jesus said “what shall it profit a man if he gain the whole world and loses his soul?”. Many are using the earthly journey to spoil the eternal journey. But if you want to finish well, you need to run the race as a total winner. In the story of the rich man and Lazarus, three personalities were mentioned. The rich man, Lazarus, and Abraham. We saw their lives on the two different planes. Their lives on one  side of life and their lives on the other side of life. For the rich man, he was very successful here. Everything went very well. He was very rich, popular, and a celebrity before his death. When the rich man died, he was given a befitting burial. Alas! he found himself in a place of permanent torment on the other side of life. He became a beggar for a fingertip of water. He prayed and pleaded but none was heeded to, his soul was forever lost, though while on earth, he enjoyed the good things of life. He had a minor success.

 For Lazarus, while he was on this side of life, it was ill with him. He was very poor and sickly. His body was full of sores and dogs came and licked his sores. He was a beggar. His life was destitute of the good things of life. He fed from the crumps from the table of the rich man. However, he knew the truth that saved his soul from the power of sin. So, when he died, the angels carried him to the bosom of Abraham on the other side of life. He entered into an eternal comfort. He won the major battle of life.

Abraham, while he was on this side of life; lived a good life. He was very successful. The summary of his life was, “And Abraham was old, and well stricken in age and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things” (Gen. 24:1). The Bible referred to him as a friend of God 3 times namely: James 2:23, 2 Chro. 20:7, and Isaiah 41:8.

Beloved, we can see that Abraham was described as a friend of God forever. That was both on this side and on the other side. Abraham had success on the minor and on the major side. On the other side, the place of abode for the righteous was called the bosom of Abraham. He won both minor and the major battles of life. He was a total winner. He finished his race without losing on either side of life. You two can be a total winner. You can overcome every trial and temptation on this side of life. You need Great Grace to be a winner on this side and a winner on the other side. You must settle every sin problem in your life. You must run the race of destiny with carefulness and watchfulness. Remember the story of the Ten virgins; only five were wise. The five foolish virgins experienced disqualification of the qualified. They missed it narrowly. They almost made it. The issue is this, ‘almost at home is not at home’. Many who started the race very well, running the race very well, could not reach the eternal finishing line. You need Great Grace of God to see you through. You need the Great Grace to overcome temptation from expected quarters and unexpected quarters. It was the Great Grace of God that saw Joseph through. That same grace will see you through in Jesus name.


  1. Lord, by Your great grace, help me to finish well and finish strong.
  2. Lord, I will not end my race in eternal shame, disgrace and destruction.
  3. Lord, in the race of destiny, I will not stumble nor become a stumbling block.
  4. Lord, have mercy upon me and help me, so that I will not use my now, to spoil my eternity in heaven.
  5. Almighty Father, grant me the great grace to be a winner on this side of life and on the other side of life.
  6. O Lord, make me a total winner, winning both the minor and the major battles of life.
  7. O Lord, help me, I will not backslide; I will not look back, I will never go back from the Lord. Oh Lord, uphold me with Your right hand of righteousness.
  8. Lord, grant me Your abundant grace that will keep me firm in Your will, that will never allow me to stray away from Your fold.
  9. O Lord, keep me very useful, vibrant, fervent and faithful till the end of my race on earth.
  10. O Lord, empower me to run and finish my race gloriously at Your feet.
  11. O Lord, my God, help me to finish the works You have ordained me to do before I meet You face to face. Lord, help me to finish my cause with distinction!
  12. O Lord, give me mastery over all obstacles that make people to finish badly and poorly.
  13. O Lord, correct me where I am going astray in this race of life.
  14. O Lord, empower me to finish well and strong.
  15. O Lord, make me a sure candidate of heaven.
  16. I will not end my race in hell, in Jesus mighty name.


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