#VictoryMonth FAMILY VIGILS Day 1: 9th January 2017.

Day 1: 9th January 2017.
Text: 1 Chr. 4:9-10
Right before the prayers of Jabez, there was almost a side note in the preceding verse that should be noted. 1 Chronicles 4:9 reads, ”Jabez was more honorable than his brothers; and his mother called his name Jabez, saying, ‘Because I bore him in pain.’” I have no doubt that Jabez had a strong faith in God to pray a prayer that would counter the meaning of his name. Jabez asked God, ”’Keep me from harm so that it might not bring me pain!’” He knew that his name was drenched in the word ‘pain’ and he wanted nothing to do with it. God saw his faithfulness and humility of his actions, that was why God granted his prayer. God is sovereign over all things and He is in control of all things.
- Discuss the kind of family ‘pain’ we may be having or passing through today that may necessitate our praying, the prayer of Jabez.
- What role do ‘bad names’ given by our forefathers cause to our foundations if we do not take a corrective steps?
- How can we be daring and humble enough to cry to God like Jabez did? How does that kind of prayer become the key to a life of extraordinary favor with God?
- How does this prayer about asking God to enlarge our territory applies to our situation in our family today?
- “Enlarge my territory” means “give me more ministry.” But “more ministry” means “more influence and responsibility. Are we motivated by our wanting to make a greater impact for Him? Note: We must want for ourselves “nothing more and nothing less than what God wants for us.” For “when we seek God’s blessing as the ultimate value in life, we are throwing ourselves entirely into the river of His will and power and purposes for us. All our other needs become secondary to what we really want which is to become wholly immersed in what God is trying to do in us, through us, and around us for His glory.”
- How can this prayer of Jabez turn our situations around from the present economic adversity of retrenchment and lack of salary payment to becoming employers of labour? (Use Luke 5:1-8).
- How does the prayer of sustaining His presence (that thy hands might be with me) guarantees our protection in these days of terrorism and kidnapping?
- This is our time to pray desperately like Jabez. Do you need a covenant helper? Then call upon the Lord.
- Father, every river Jordan before me, part so that I might cross over to my greatness.
- Any foundational curses in my family turn to blessing in Jesus name.
- Father, make me a carrier of blessings and not curses in Jesus name.
- Father, let my blessings last forever in Jesus name
- Lord my Father, position me to receive marvellous help and favour in the name of Jesus.
- My Angel of blessing, locate me now in the name of Jesus.
- Every blessing of mine buried under the ground or under the water; be exhumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.
- Every power assigned to divert my blessing, receive the arrow of fire and be roasted.
- O God of abundance let Your blessing begin to spring forth in every area of my life.
- I render null and void every influential destiny swallowers in the name of Jesus.
- Every altar mounted against my breakthrough be dismantled by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Any synagogue of Satan or evil shrine where my blessings have been caged, catch fire in the name of Jesus.
- My blessings in the camp of the enemy, jump out and locate me in Jesus name.
- Any power that has swallowed my blessing, vomit it now in the name of Jesus (Job 20:15)
- Any power waging war against my breakthroughs, be defeated in the name of Jesus.
- Oh, you my divine helper; appear and connect me to my breakthroughs in the name of Jesus.
- Every evil bank established against my finances, be liquidated by fire in Jesus Name.
- Oh, you power fighting against my promotion; begin to fight yourselves in Jesus Name.
- Every evil agent hindering, delaying, preventing, or destroying my breakthrough in my life; your time is over, die in the name of Jesus.
- Every satanic umbrella covering my glory, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.
- I plug myself into God’s favour and receive divine connection in Jesus name.
- Every satanic rat punching holes in my pocket, die by fire in the name of Jesus.
- Any name that I am bearing that is working against my breakthrough, O Lord my Father, change it and give me a new name in Jesus name.
- O God of all possibility give me the breakthrough that will dumbfound my enemies through Your marvellous help in the name of Jesus.