Wed. 9/9/2015
LESSON 2 13/9/2015
Suggested Hymns: G.H.B. 32, 37
Devotional Reading: Exodus 2:1, 10, 2:2,3.
Topic For Adults: “Duty Is Ours, Events Are God’s”
Topic For Youths: “Nothing Ventures, Nothing Wins”
Topic For Intermediates: You Are Not An Accident
Scripture Lesson: Exo. 2:1,10, 2:2-3, Heb. 11:23
Memory Verse: “And the child grew, and she brought him to Pharaoh’s daughter, and he became her son. So she called his name Moses, saying, Because I drew him out of the water” (Exo. 2:10) NKJV
Wed. 9/9/2015
Order Given To Kill Hebrews’ Sons
Exo. 1:15-22
The hard labor to which the Israelites were subjected could not limit the rate of their numerical increase. Pharaoh devised another means of limiting their increase, by giving the order that any male child born to the Israelites should be killed. He gave the order to the midwives attending to Hebrew women that were about to give birth. The midwives however feared God than Pharaoh. They chose to disobey the order of Pharaoh by allowing the male children to live. They disobeyed Pharaoh at high risk of losing their lives. God however rewarded them for their fear of Him. When a Christian is given an order to carry out an ungodly act, what should he/she do? Disobedience to such order could however be at great risk to the Christian from a superior authority, nevertheless it pays better to obey God than man.
Point of Emphasis: The Christian should fear and obey God rather than man.
Prayer Point: Father, let the fear of You paralyze all agents of the devil given assignment over my life.
MERCREDI 09/09/2015
EXODE 1 :15-22
Le travail forcé dont les Israélites furent sujets ne pouvait pas limiter leur taux de croissance (numérique). Pharaon conçut un autre moyen de limiter leur croissance, en donnant l’ordre que soit mis à mort tout garçon né des Israélites. Il donna l’ordre aux sages-femmes qui étaient aux soins des femmes des Hébreux, lesquelles étaient sur le point d’accoucher. Les sages-femmes craignirent Dieu plus que Pharaon. Elles choisirent de désobéir à l’ordre de Pharaon en laissant les enfants garçons vivre. Elles désobéirent à Pharaon au péril de leur vie. Toutefois, Dieu les récompensa pour la crainte qu’elles eurent pour lui. Quand on demande à un chrétien ou à une chrétienne d’accomplir un acte impie, que doit-il/elle faire? La désobéissance à un tel ordre émanant d’une autorité supérieure pourrait être au péril du chrétien. Pourtant, ça fait gagner plus d’obéir à Dieu qu’à l’homme.
Point essentiel : Le chrétien doit craindre et obéir à Dieu plutôt qu’à l’homme.
Axe de prière : Père, que ta crainte paralyse tous les agents du diable chargés de mission contre ma vie.